call your Senator and demand they support the DISCLOSE Act now!

MARCH ON is dedicated to increasing voter turnout and driving Democrats to the polls. Our data-driven solutions helped defeat Donald Trump in in 2020. Now, we're gearing up to hold the House and Senate in 2022 to advance our progressive agenda.

Dear Friend,

Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC in 2010, corporations have been allowed to spend unlimited and undisclosed amounts of money to influence American elections and affect policy outcomes.

We all deserve an equal say in the decisions that shape our future – but this undisclosed, secret money silences the voices of Black, brown, young, and new Americans while giving unchecked power to the wealthy few.

Now, the Senate has the opportunity to enforce transparency and accountability of money in politics by passing the DISCLOSE Act.

According to OpenSecrets, over $1 billion in undisclosed money was spent on the 2020 election cycle alone – even the January 6th insurrection was funded by dark money and anonymous donors.

The DISCLOSE Act will rein in corporate spending, stop Super PACs from subverting the will of the American electorate, and close dark money loopholes.

In order to make progress on issues of health care, racial justice, reproductive rights, and environmental justice, we need a government that serves the people – not just the wealthy and powerful.

Thank you for making your voice heard.



Thank you for being a strong supporter of MARCH ON, Friend. Our women-led team is working 24/7 to take the energy from our first Women's March to create the most robust Democratic voter turnout operation in our nation's history.

Paid for by MARCH ON