We’ve all got our own baggage and struggles, and sometimes it’s hard not to think about how that affects our kids. Today, Meg Raby is talking about how she applied the work she did with her therapist to her parenting, and the difference it made.
She admits: “I’ve suffered from an anxiety disorder since I can remember, and have been on Prozac for 15 years. But, medicine was not enough for me to become the person I wanted to be, the mom I wanted to be. There was actual work to be done within the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for emotions and emotion regulation. I had come to the place where I knew my reaction to anxiety would have a direct effect on my children if I let it.”
Read on to learn more about what she did next – and think about whether you might want to use some of it in your own life.
— Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor |