Dear Friend,

This is Kay Moshier McDivitt, Senior Technical Assistance Specialist at the Alliance. I'm writing today to tell you a little bit about the Alliance's work this year in two communities. 

In 2019, we had the privilege of working with service providers, public officials, and others in Las Vegas, NV and Lansing, MI to help them transform their homelessness systems through trainings we call Learning Collaboratives.

These are in-depth initiatives: we spend months on the ground in each community understanding the barriers they face and digging into the data. We coach them to work together and embrace the best practices that are proven to end homelessness. But that's just the beginning.

Providers from Nevada working to set goals and participate in the Learning Collaborative

At the end of each Learning Collaborative, providers take their new skills and kick off a 100-Day Housing Challenge. The goal is to find housing and services for as many households as possible. We encourage communities to set ambitious goals, because the scope of this crisis demands immediate solutions. 

Even at the start of these 100-Day Housing Challenges, the communities have already seen great results. Lansing has housed 52 households in just its first two weeks-- more than their average monthly number! By the end of the challenge, the communities will have housed hundreds of households — families, adults, veterans — who will spend this winter in the safety and dignity of a home rather than on the streets or in shelter. 

The overwhelming success of these Learning Collaboratives demonstrates that when communities have the right training, resources, and solutions, they can end homelessness. Seeing communities come together and get excited about housing people is what inspires me to continue this work. 

Please consider supporting the Alliance this holiday season to ensure that communities continue getting the help they need.


Kay Moshier McDivitt
Senior Technical Assistance Specialist 

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The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization committed to preventing and ending homelessness in the United States.
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202-638-1526 • [email protected]