School Board Deadline

Attention Parents/Grandparents – TUESDAY, July 26 is the DEADLINE for running for your local school board election! YOU can make the difference in your children's education and in your community by running. The culture of our nation starts with those who influence the hearts/minds of our children. As a school board member, you can have a front row seat to listen and lead.

There is still time! Here is a Guide to file & run for School Board (see page 11) and here is the link to file your form with your County Clerk. Here is a list of all counties in MI. Go to the "Elections" page to find out more on school board races. Contact CTV for more resources.
"The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation is the philosophy of government in the next." - Abraham Lincoln
Education Update
Court Rules Against Biden's Trans Mandate

Last Friday, a U.S. District Court in Tennessee temporarily stopped a Biden administration policy that would require all states to allow biological males to compete in female sports and use women's restrooms. Back in August of 2021, attorneys general from 20 different states sued the Biden administration in response to this trans mandate. Friday's court decision ruled in favor of the attorneys general. Click here to read more about this story.
Abortion Update
Pro-Abortion Ballot Initiative Successful

Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, and other pro-abortion forces have gathered over 700,000 signatures for their radical proposal to change the Michigan Constitution to allow unlimited abortion access anytime, anywhere, and for virtually any reason. These signatures have been submitted to the Secretary of State with the expectation that they will be verified. At that point, the proposal would go to the ballot for Michigan voters this August.

The outcome of this proposal will make the difference between Michigan being the most abortion-friendly state in the nation or having one of the most restrictive abortion bans in place. Your voice is needed now more than ever. CTV is committed to fight to preserve the right to life in Michigan at this pivotal time.

Did you know? This amendment would repeal Michigan's partial-birth abortion ban and the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. It also allows late-term abortions.

This goes much further than any previous pro-abortion law or policy, allowing for nearly unrestricted abortion access. The "anything-goes" amendment must be stopped if we are to save the lives of tens of thousands of children every year in Michigan.

We are a coalition partner with Right to Life and others—find out more by visiting:
Governor Whitmer Vetoes Funds for Pregnancy Services

Gov. Whitmer made several line-item vetoes to the budget for state education on Thursday, July 14th, eliminating funds for pro-life pregnancy services for college students and removing language that would have prevented research done on "aborted fetal tissue."

The vetoed funds for pregnancy and parenting services on higher-education campuses consisted of about $1 million, prohibiting recommendations for abortion while still offering child care, family housing, flexible scheduling for classes, and more. Through these actions, Whitmer has made it clear that she has no interest in assisting Michigan parents trying to raise their children when abortion is out of the picture. Click here to read more about this story.
CTV-PAC Endorsements
Make sure to check out the list of candidates endorsed by CTV-PAC for the 2022 primary election in Michigan. View on our website at:

Not sure what district you live in? Click here for the Michigan Voter Information Center, where you can easily search for your polling location and district information.

Stay tuned for more endorsements in the general election cycle!

Paid for with regulated funds by CTV-PAC,
4407 W St Joseph Hwy, Lansing, MI 48917
Pews to the Polls & Pastor's Briefings

We will soon be expanding our network of churches and looking to partner with people just like you to make sure the faith community is educated about where candidates stand on key issues affecting our lives every day. If you or someone you know is passionate about keeping people informed and reminding each other to vote based on our deeply held values, please reach out to us to learn more about our Pews to the Polls initiative. Click here to get started.
More Pastor's Briefings!

CTV had a wonderful pastor's briefing event in June with Supreme Court Justice Brian Zahra. We plan to host more events just like this one throughout the year. If you're interested, let us know by contacting us. Thanks!
Consider How You Can Support CTV
Citizens for Traditional Values relies on the support of grassroots activists and concerned citizens who care about preserving, protecting, and promoting the faith-based values that sustain good governance. Your prayer support and financial contributions enable us to be effective as we stand for truth in local communities, Lansing, and beyond.