"At a time when everything is on the line, we need people like Congresswoman Jayapal in Congress now more than ever to fight for workers' rights, Medicare for All, and climate action. I am proud to endorse her in her reelection campaign for Congress today."
Senator Bernie Sanders just endorsed Pramila! Pramila and Bernie have worked closely to build support for Medicare for All, strengthening labor unions, and a more robust social safety net.
Will you join Bernie today and support Pramila’s re-election campaign with a $3 contribution?

Here’s what Bernie said when endorsing Pramila for re-election in WA-7: “At a time when everything is on the line, we need people like Congresswoman Jayapal in Congress now more than ever to fight for workers' rights, Medicare for All, and climate action. I am proud to endorse her in her reelection campaign for Congress today.”
Bernie frames the moment we’re in perfectly: Everything is on the line. And we can’t take anything for granted, John. We must re-elect Pramila, work to elect as many progressives as we can, and turn our progressive vision for America into reality.
If you’re in this fight alongside Bernie and Pramila, please chip in $3 today to support Pramila’s critical advocacy and electoral work.
In solidarity,
Team Jayapal