We were just outraised again. We can’t afford to fall behind with our primary right around the corner.

Ilhan for Congress

Bad news, team:

The fundraising numbers from every campaign in our race went public, and Ilhan was outraised by her conservative primary opponent and the GOP’s nominee. In total, all of our opponents fundraised more than $1 million against us last quarter.

We can’t afford to fall behind now. We are only 19 days out from our primary. Our primary opponent has already gone on the air with TV ads, and this is the prime time for right-wing super PACs to flood primaries like ours with last-minute attacks.

In fact, a billionaire-funded super PAC just dropped $200,000 behind attack ads in Rashida Tlaib’s race in Michigan only two weeks before her primary, with more spending to come. There’s no telling what kind of attacks we’ll face in our race in these final weeks.

Our campaign isn’t slowing down for even a second. We’re knocking doors, making calls, running online ads, sending out yard signs, and doing everything we can to re-elect Ilhan and support bold progressives up and down the ballot. Organizing is how we defeated the status quo in 2020, and it’s how we can win again.

But we’re counting on this grassroots movement to help us catch up on our fundraising and power our critical organizing work. A donation from you right now will go further than a donation even a week from now. That’s why we’ve set a flash goal of raising 1,000 donations in the next 48 hours to ensure we have the resources to fend off any attacks and run our organizing efforts on all cylinders.

Will you rush in a donation of any amount to help us meet our goal to keep Ilhan in Congress and strengthen our progressive movement?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We’ve come too far to let the status quo stop us now.

Thanks to the support of this grassroots movement, Ilhan is in Congress moving the needle on issues like Medicare for All, universal school meals, student debt cancellation, and a Green New Deal.

She just helped pass two critical bills to protect abortion rights, because ultra-conservative lawmakers should never have the power to decide what you do with your body. And she has always remained an organizer at heart, standing in solidarity with unions and protesters on the picket lines in the fight for better workplaces.

Ilhan will never stop fighting to secure a brighter future for everyone. But she needs your help to keep up these fights in Congress.

That means we need to build up a reserve of grassroots support to make sure we have the resources to get out the vote every single day and are prepared to respond no matter what attacks our opponents or super PACs throw our way in these next few weeks.

If you’re reading this email, we need you in this fight. We hope you’ll help us meet our 48-hour goal by chipping in what you can right now >>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Let’s show everyone once again that organized people beat organized money.

— Team Ilhan