John, I can't believe we live in a country where AOC wears fake handcuffs before we slap real handcuffs on Hillary Clinton. But phoniness is AOC's stock in trade. AOC faked crying at the border when President Trump stopped the illegal alien invasion. And AOC faked suffering from trauma during the January 6 FEDSURRECTION. If you really want to give AOC something to cry about, help me elect an America First majority that will join me in voting for Speaker Donald J. Trump. Imagine AOC and the rest of the woke "Squad” bawling liberal tears when Speaker Trump takes the gavel from Nancy Pelosi. Help me make that a reality by chipping in a contribution of $10, $25, $50, or $100, so I can elect pro-Trump America First conservatives that will give AOC something to really get upset about. HELP ME ELECT AN AMERICA FIRST MAJORITY IN CONGRESS - CHIP IN TODAY I appeared on Jesse Watters' Fox News show to discuss the situation.I hope you will take a moment to watch it.
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I know an America First Majority led by
Speaker Trump will not stand for Joe Biden throwing Trump supporters in the gulag while allowing AOC to stage fake arrests for the fake news media's
cameras. Speaker Trump and an America First majority will bring the real criminals to justice. Hillary Clinton for spying on Speaker Trump. The Deep State goons that staged a coup against President Trump using the Russia hoax. And the FBI informants on the ground on January 6 that potentially helped incite the FEDSURRECTION. AOC may have played up her fake arrest for the cameras and laughed it off. But in November, the pro-Trump, America First movement will have our say. So, help me give AOC something to really get upset by chipping in a contribution of $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, or $2,900, so I can elect America First conservatives that will join me in supporting Donald J. Trump for Speaker of the House. HELP MATT GAETZ FIGHT BACK
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Sincerely, Matt Gaetz Congresman (R-FL) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Paid for by Friends of Matt Gaetz. |
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