Republicans have made attacking Social Security and Medicare one of their top priorities. Matt knows these programs provide a crucial social safety net that millions of Americans rely on to live with dignity and security. That's why he's fighting back in Congress against these attacks and working to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare.

Republicans have made attacking Social Security and Medicare one of their top priorities. Matt knows these programs provide a crucial social safety net that millions of Americans rely on to live with dignity and security. That's why he's fighting back in Congress against these attacks and working to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare.

Add your name now to stand with Matt in the fight to protect Social Security and Medicare for generations to come.

----------Begin Forwarded Message----------
Sender: Matt Cartwright
Subject: SIGN: Protect Social Security and Medicare
Date: Monday, July 18, 2022


Decades ago, our country made a promise that if you work hard and pay in, Social Security and Medicare would be there for you when you need it the most. Since then, these programs have been critical in helping millions of hard working Americans live and retire with dignity and security.

Republicans have made it clear they'll stop at nothing to attack our earned benefits. National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman, Senator Rick Scott, released a plan earlier this year that would end these critical programs and rob Americans of this crucial social safety net. And my opponent, Jim Bognet, spent the past two decades working for Republican candidates who wanted to cut Social Security.

If you agree Congress needs to protect and expand Social Security and Medicare for generations to come, add your name now >>

In Congress, I'll always work to protect and strengthen Social Security. That's why I was proud to introduce Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust in the House last year to boost benefits and strengthen the trust fund. This legislation will update the cost-of-living adjustment to keep pace with seniors' expenses and ensure benefits can be paid for years to come.

After a lifetime of work, every American deserves the dignity of a secure and fulfilling retirement. That's why I'll always fight back against attacks on Social Security and Medicare and work in Congress to pass legislation to strengthen these programs.

Are you with me? Add your name to stand with me in protecting Social Security and Medicare.







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Cartwright For Congress
PO Box 414
Scranton, PA 18501
United States
