The Supreme Court’s recent decision to limit the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) ability to regulate carbon pollution and respond to the threat of climate change will have a devastating impact on birds large and small, including the Prairie Warbler, whose population has already suffered substantial declines in recent years. The thin buzzy song of the male Prairie Warbler may be reduced to a rare sound as this species, and all birds, become more vulnerable than ever.
But the future is not yet written, and we can ease this climate catastrophe—if we come together and take immediate action.
In the wake of this ruling, we’re asking dedicated bird lovers like you to join us and start a monthly donation today. Thanks to a group of generous donors, your gift will help unlock an additional $8,500 for birds through this limited-time giving challenge. So please be one of 53 friends we need right away.
For more than a century, bird lovers like you have powered Audubon’s rigorous conservation work at the local and state levels: making meaningful, lawful protections for birds from the ground up. Washington may be in gridlock, and the EPA may have its hands tied: but our track record shows that, with you in our corner, we can safeguard birds whenever and wherever they’re in need.
Since 1967, North America’s bird populations have plummeted—with over 3 billion birds lost—and climate change is only making the situation worse. Science shows that two-thirds of North American bird species face the threat of extinction if nothing is done to reduce carbon pollution.
By limiting the ability of the EPA to respond to these real and urgent threats, the Supreme Court is putting our communities, birds, and other wildlife at greater risk.
With your support, we will continue defending the laws that protect birds and wildlife, advancing Natural Climate Solutions as a science-based approach to help restore and maintain natural ecosystems, and much more.
We’re counting on 53 supporters to join us as monthly donors today to sustain our best work. Will you be one of them? Right now, every gift helps unlock $8,500 more to protect birds—so please, start your dependable monthly gift right away.
National Audubon Society