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Dear friend,

We’re so close to reaching our fundraising target. Can you help get us over the line?   

So far, we’ve raised £24,000 which means we only need an additional £1,000.  

This will be DOUBLED as part of the Big Give Christmas Challenge unlocking a huge £50,000 worth of resources for us for the year ahead, IF we receive your donation before 12 noon tomorrow.  
Last chance: Donate now to double your donation

(Any donations received over and above our target will not be doubled but are still very gratefully received).

Earlier this year, because of your support, we were able to assist Civil Society leaders from Mozambique to come to London and take on the Credit Suisse Bankers.  

With a court case coming up next year to hold the banks to account for the unjust loans that have crippled the country, this is our chance to win justice for Mozambique.

Denise, the Coordinator from Mozambique debt Monitoring group told us:   

“we are thankful for all the UK and Mozambican citizens who have campaigned to expose the role of the banks and help the Mozambicans to get justice” 

Can you help make sure we are able to campaign alongside Denise in 2020?  

Please donate now
As well as supporting Denise we’ve got big plans next year. Whoever wins the upcoming election, we know we’ve got to push them hard to make sure they commit to supporting an end to the debt crisis affecting 31 countries, and we have to take our message to the IMF.

With your ongoing support we know we can make a real difference. And if you donate in the next few hours you can literally double your impact.  
Thanks for everything you do. 

In solidarity,  
Jenny and the whole team at Jubilee Debt Campaign 
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The Grayston Centre
28 Charles Square
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