Dear *|FNAME|,
With the end of summer fast approaching, many of us wish we could wave a magic wand and declare the pandemic over. A lot has been sacrificed in the last three years, and it seems unlikely that life will ever return to what once passed for normal. While we may want to move forward as though the pandemic has ended -- after all, we are suffering from pandemic fatigue – we know it is not that simple.
Not simple at all for clinicians at the frontlines. Recently, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on a survey of nurses that found alarming levels of distress that were significantly higher than they were pre-pandemic. Almost 34% of those surveyed indicated they were actively looking for a new job, which they attributed to the mental health toll of their work. Yet, a whopping 60% said they are unlikely to ask for help due to fears about confidentiality.
At Migrant Clinicians Network, we have a terrific program, the Witness to Witness program, that offers just the kind of safety that frontline clinicians want. I consider it our great good fortune that, when the pandemic began, we had the benefit of W2W—and its director, Dr. Kaethe Weingarten, a leading expert in the field of witnessing—to help the clinicians who turned to us for support. In a time of despair, the superb work of W2W gave clinicians resources to build back hope.
Now, I have the privilege of asking for your help to make hope even more accessible to those most in need. At a time when many government funds previously earmarked for the relief of COVID-specific mental health challenges have slowed to a trickle, the demand for W2W’s programs and resources continues to grow. The generosity of the public so far has allowed us to maintain our webinars and small virtual groups as well as create new resources, including a six-part podcast series. However, as our reputation spreads, we are getting more requests, exceeding our ability to respond.
We don’t want to be in the position of turning any clinician away—can you help us by saying yes with a donation to W2W today? Your contribution is tax deductible, and your impact immediate. Your support will provide vital care to the everyday heroes at the frontlines.
In gratitude,

Karen Mountain, MBA, MSN, RN