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Race + Power Weekly

This Race + Power Weekly centers on racial justice organizing and narrative work to envision and build toward our liberation. First, NPQ editor, Kitana Ananda, considers the liberatory potential of abolition feminism and how its proponents are leading the way to a world without violence and harm. Next, Rinaldo Walcott makes the case for abolishing policing and prisons. Then, Kyle Strickland offers a liberatory vision of a multiracial democracy rooted in racial and material equity. Finally, we’re accepting applications for a senior editor for racial justice—come join our team!

What Is Abolition Feminism and Why Do We Need It Now?

Abolitionist feminists envision—and are creating—a more just world through economic redistribution, communal care, and accountability. Read more…
Create a Culture Where Employees Stay Committed to Your Mission
Download UST's 2022 Employee Engagement Toolkit and gain access to resources that can help foster a work culture where employees feel valued and supported. 
Get your complimentary eBook while supplies last!

Abolitionist Politics: The Case for a World without Prisons

The work of abolition is to make new forms of human life possible. Abolition helps us see this work in progress, and to work towards our own betterment. Read more…
Want to Hold Better Board Meetings?
Your board doesn't have to settle for outdated systems and burdensome workflows anymore. It’s time for nonprofits to harness the power of modern board governance.
Upgrade Your Governance

What Do Justice and Democracy Require? Towards a Vision of Liberation

For too long, racial justice in the US has been impeded by neoliberalism. Liberation requires linking repair and redress with an expansive vision of material equity. Read more…
[Webinar] Drive and Accelerate Your Cause With an Online Community
Discover how an online community can help you unite key stakeholders, facilitate communication, and encourage collaborations to achieve your organization's mission!
Grab Your Spot

NPQ Job Posting: Senior Editor, Racial Justice

We’re expanding our team: NPQ’s racial justice desk is looking for a senior editor! Read more…
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