Join us for the People's Day of Action
Write to Congress in support of the Youth Voting Rights Act — legislation to expand ballot access for younger voters.


Last week, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Congresswoman Nikema Williams introduced the Youth Voting Rights Act.

If passed, the Youth Voting Rights Act would greatly expand ballot access for young people and combat efforts to suppress our right to vote.

The Youth Voting Rights Act would make our elections more accessible to youth by:

  • Allowing youth nationwide to pre-register to vote before they turn 18
  • Expanding access to voter registration services at all public higher education institutions
  • Requiring higher education institutions to have polling places on campus
  • Ensuring student IDs count as a means of voter identification
  • Prohibiting any attempts to disenfranchise young voters via durational residency requirements
  • Making the 26th Amendment, which established the right to vote for eligible 18 year olds, more enforceable in voting rights lawsuits

Tell Congress: Do your part to safeguard the right to vote for young people by passing the Youth Voting Rights Act.

NextGen America

Every eligible voter should have access to the ballot box, but right now young people face too many unnecessary barriers that hinder our participation in democracy. The Youth Voting Rights Act will safeguard our rights, fight back against voter suppression, and boost turnout in our elections. 

Despite the 26th Amendment lowering the federal voting age to 18 in 1971, many states have made it even harder for younger voters to cast a ballot in subsequent years. Recently, we’ve seen Republican controlled-state legislatures in places like New Hampshire and Florida pass legislation that restricts voting rights for students and directly targets young people. 

At a time when our leaders should be working to boost participation in our elections and make it easier to vote, politicians are trying to silence us and keep us from voting. But we’re fighting back.

Write to Congress and urge them to support the Youth Voting Rights Act and expand ballot access for younger voters.

Take action

Thank you,

Kolin Kearns
National Digital Campaigns Manager
NextGen America

NextGen America
268 Bush St. #2919
San Francisco CA 94104-3503

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