
The HR 1808 "assault weapons" ban has passed in the House Judiciary Committee, teeing up a full vote on the floor. 

However, we have potentially GREAT news this morning: your emails and donations have been working.

Per a source, the Democrats' margin of support for this awful legislation is now RAZOR THIN in the House. 


That means if we keep up the pressure, we might be able to HUMILIATE the tyrants by stopping them before HR 1808 even reaches the Senate! 

That's why we're emailing you again this morning, Friend. we need your assistance today to finish this fight. 

Contact your representatives again and make sure they know now is the time to apply maximum pressure against HR 1808.

Then help top off our Stop HR 1808 Fund with a contribution of $100, $50 or perhaps even $25. 

If you donate before midnight tonight, you will automatically be entered to win a Century Arms PSL 54 Marksman Rifle! 

If you donate and take action today, this could be our chance to obliterate the tyrants' disgusting gun ban once and for all.

This fight is not over yet, however. We can't rest on our laurels and must keep savaging HR 1808 until it is confirmed dead. 





The despots have already made history just by getting their "assault weapons" ban through House committee.

If they can manage to pass it in the House, it could give them devastating momentum in the fight for liberty.

So donate NOW to tell them "FUCK YOU, NO!" and be entered to win the Marksman Rifle! 

Stay Free,

Firearms Policy Coalition

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