
We are at a momentous moment for our country.

And one thing is undeniable: The President has shown total contempt for democracy.

Join the massive day of action to demand Congress impeach Trump.

Trump’s presidency is historically corrupt: Using the office of the president for personal profit. Extorting a foreign leader to undermine free and fair elections. And racist policies that completely undermine our democratic norms. 

Impeachment is not something to be taken lightly, but last week’s Congressional testimony made the stakes very clear.

Here’s what law professor Nathan Feldman said in his testimony, “If what we are talking about is not impeachable, then nothing is impeachable."

Check the map to join a “Nobody is Above the Law” event - or host your own.

The night before the House votes on articles of impeachment, hundreds of thousands will take to the streets to show their support. We’re joining with a powerful coalition of progressive democracy groups to make the biggest impact possible.

This mobilization will be a crucial show of support for the rule of law, and will put maximum pressure on Trump and the enablers of his corruption in Congress.

With these protests, we have an opportunity to lead Americans in historic demonstrations demanding an end to a bigoted, hateful presidency. We have the opportunity to make the impeachment vote a turning point - the moment when the American people stood up against the corruption and lawlessness that is threatening the core of our democracy.

We know we have to change the system that put Trump in office. Unlimited dark money, corporate influence, billionaire-driven politics, racism, and run-away inequality created the conditions for Trump.

But we must hold the President accountable when our democracy is on the line.

Please consider joining in and send a message that can’t be ignored: “Nobody is Above the Law.”

Thank you for all you do,

MAYDAY America


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