July 20, 2022
Hello Friends,

In 2017, SHARK's drones started documenting the plight of the suffering and dying dogs at Envigo back when it was owned by Covance/LabCorp. Our drone video in 2019 went viral and prompted VA legislators to pass legislation to help the dogs. Earlier this year, Governor Youngkin signed five bills into law.
Due to continued violations of the Animal Welfare Act, the US Department of Justice and Envigo announced its closing in June.
On July 5, 2022, Federal Judge Moon signed the plan to allow HSUS to arrange for the adoption of approximately 4,000 dogs. Unfortunately, this coincided with HSUS's "Taking Action for Animals Conference." We have been told that personnel that would normally oversee a rescue operation were instead handling conference issues.
On July 8, before any rescue efforts started, SHARK flew our drone over Envigo and was shocked by the rows and rows of empty cages! Cages that were previously overcrowded with dogs now had half or less than half that amount (pictured below).

Since HSUS hasn't rescued any of the dogs yet, why are there empty cages?

Why do the cages with dogs have way less dogs in them than SHARK's previous five years of drone flights over this facility?

Overcrowded cages from previous drone flight
Envigo had tried to sell 2,100 dogs, but Federal Judge Moon denied that request. SHARK is being told there isn't anyone from the humane community at Envigo to ensure the safety and care of the dogs.
Meanwhile, HSUS is bombarding donors and the internet with pleas for donations while they hoard over $14 million in investments and take in over $100 million a year in donations which is certainly more than enough to handle this rescue operation and many more! Disgusting!
Organizations across the country are jumping in on this fundraising bonanza claiming they have been working on this issue (unbeknownst to everyone) for a while and also begging endlessly for donations!
Fortunately, there are rescue groups and shelters stepping up to help with this rescue, but the lack of coordination is hindering the effectiveness and speed of the rescues, while the dogs continue to suffer and possibly die at Envigo.
Please contact the Department of Justice using this form and ask that they assign someone onsite at Envigo to ensure care for the dogs and to ensure Envigo isn't selling the dogs for experimentation in violation of the court order.
Please contact Federal Judge Moon at: 434-845-4891 and update his staff on the missing dogs and possible violation of the Judge's court order and ask that he request accountability for all the dogs and a status update on this rescue operation.
Please let us know what responses you receive at: [email protected]
Thank you!
Our many trips to document this cruelty, as well as all of the other animal cruelty investigations SHARK documents nationwide, averaging three to four a month, are expensive. See the work your donations support on our YouTube Account here.
SHARK really can't continue our work without your support. Please donate here.
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Kindest Regards,
Steve Hindi and Your SHARK Team