John, in the latest judicial assault on free and fair elections, Wisconsin’s Supreme Court has just BANNED secure ballot drop boxes, which millions of voters relied on in the 2020 election. [1]
I’m writing to share how we’re fighting back by building our largest-ever voter protection effort for a midterm election. And unfortunately, this ruling makes our work more necessary than ever.
Americans from all walks of life and all political parties used ballot dropboxes in the 2020 elections, but former President Trump painted a major target on them as part of his Big Lie.
Now, as a predictable casualty of Trump’s lies, Wisconsin voters — particularly elderly voters or voters with disabilities — will find it even harder to participate in our democracy. And sadly, many Wisconsinites will be forced to choose whether to risk their vote not being counted at all.
As you know well, John, this isn’t just happening in Wisconsin either. Across the country, the rights voters have are up for grabs — with the potential for last-minute court rulings to disrupt elections and sow chaos just weeks before voters cast their ballots.
The good news is we are ready to fight back, but we can’t do it without your action.
Wherever we can reach voters — whether that’s in person, by phone or text, or on social media — our team will be there. With these last-minute changes, it’s vitally important that every voter knows about upcoming deadlines, election rules, and what their rights are.
And our in-person poll monitors are on the case at high-risk polling places, making sure voters are ready to cast their ballot — and reporting to our legal team in case they need to intervene.
But we’re running out of time if we want to go as big and as bold as this moment requires. There’s just four months until Election Day and even less time until early voting begins. That means we need our technology and volunteers in place ASAP.
John, voters everywhere are counting on accurate, reliable information about exercising their right to the ballot. Will you step up and help us respond to potentially dozens of last-minute rulings this fall?
John, It’s maddening to see court rulings that threaten voters’ access to the ballot. But we’re channeling that frustration into building an organization that’s ready to respond. Will you join us?
Thanks for all that you do,
Sylvia Albert, Director of Voting and Elections
and the team at Common Cause