For Giving Tuesday this year, we decided to do something a little different. We want to give you something to thank you for your ongoing support of Caring Across Generations.
Giving Tuesday may be over, but it's not too late to get your free sticker!
Get your free “Universal Family Care Now” sticker today.

Your support has made possible everything we’ve done this year, from telling vital stories with our Care Fellows project to making sure that the candidates faced a question about caregiving at the last presidential debate. We want to thank you for all you've done.
We hope you’ll show your support for caregiving and Universal Family Care with pride. We have ambitious plans in 2020 and we’ll need each and every one of you with us.
Displaying your free sticker will give you an opportunity to start conversations about the need for Universal Family Care, something a vast majority of us agree on but we rarely talk about. It also helps identify you as a member of our Caring Majority!
Due to demand, we've extended the deadline for getting your sticker to Friday, Dec. 13 – don’t wait, get your free sticker today.
Want more than one sticker? We can make that happen. To help us offset the costs of printing and shipping all these stickers, we’re happy to make more stickers available with a donation. Contribute $5 for 2 stickers, $10 for 5 stickers, and $20 for 15. Bigger orders are available, too.
Thanks again, and enjoy your free sticker!
Beth Shipp
Managing Director
Caring Across Generations |