All of the headlines from today's paper.
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Today's Headlines
Page one

Politics Policy

Biden announces new executive actions at Somerset’s Brayton Point in attempt to revive climate agenda

President Biden visited Somerset’s shuttered coal-fired power plant Wednesday afternoon to attempt to breathe new life into his besieged climate agenda after setbacks from the courts and Congress. Continue reading →


BA.5 variant will keep Massachusetts at a COVID-19 plateau through the summer, experts predict

Health practitioners and scientists are unified in predicting there will be no summer lull in the COVID-19 outbreak and that the virus will likely continue to simmer in the population. Continue reading →


Was Trump ‘detached from reality’ or calculating? Jan. 6 committee to cap case against ex-president

Donald Trump’s frame of mind — whether rational or raving — will be a central component of the Jan. 6 hearing on Thursday night. Continue reading →


Raymond Champagne, who served 41 years for wrongful conviction, died 30 months after winning freedom

“It just seems so unfair,” said his wife, Mary “Molly” Baldwin. “Since he got out, he actually had a really full 30 months. It’s not fair it wasn’t longer.” Continue reading →


Senate group strikes deal to rewrite Electoral Count Act

The legislation aims to guarantee a peaceful transition from one president to the next, after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol exposed how the current law could be manipulated to disrupt the process. Continue reading →

The Nation


New findings detail Trump plan to use census for partisan gain

The Trump administration pushed to add a citizenship question to the census to help Republicans win elections, not to protect people’s voting rights, a House committee report concluded Wednesday. Continue reading →


Secret Service says some missing Jan. 6 texts are unlikely to be recovered

The agency has said the missing messages were purged as part of a technology update and were not related to its work around Jan. 6. Continue reading →


Bannon’s team raises question about House subpoena deadline

Steven Bannon’s lawyers tried on Wednesday to establish at his criminal contempt trial that the deadline for the onetime strategist for Donald Trump to appear before the House committee investigating the Capitol riot was flexible as long as the two sides were negotiating terms. But the committee’s chief counsel said Bannon was uncooperative so there was no leeway. Continue reading →

The World


Sri Lanka picks establishment figure as president, risking further unrest

Sri Lankan acting president Ranil Wickremesinghe was selected Wednesday by Parliament to be the country’s new leader after widespread protests ousted the unpopular Gotabaya Rajapaksa this month. Wickremesinghe’s elevation appears likely to spark further backlash from Sri Lankans, many of whom see him as part of the political elite and an ally of the Rajapaksa government that brought the island nation to an unprecedented economic crisis. Continue reading →


Fearing Russian cutoff, Europeans are asked to ration natural gas

Europe must cut its use of natural gas by 15 percent from now through the spring to prevent a major crisis as Russia slashes gas exports, the European Union’s executive branch said Wednesday, calling for hard sacrifices by the people of the world’s richest group of nations. Continue reading →


Draghi government falls apart, returning turbulent politics to Italy

The national unity government of Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who restored Italy’s influence and credibility, fell apart Wednesday, leaving the country careening toward a new season of political chaos at a critical moment when the European Union is struggling to hold together a united front against Russia and revive its economies. Continue reading →

Editorial & Opinion


Put the brakes on the prison moratorium

Lawmakers’ efforts to slow incarceration will hurt those already behind bars. Continue reading →


Defund Tucker Carlson and Fox News

These relationships can be broken by an educated and informed public. Continue reading →


About those deleted Secret Service texts

Completely erasing electronic data is actually very difficult. Continue reading →



A super PAC for . . . Mass. lieutenant governor??? Strange but true, despite the position having little power.

A super PAC created to back Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll’s bid for the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor is wading into the little-watched race for Massachusetts government’s No. 2 role. Driscoll's opponents decried the new group. Continue reading →


State House staffers have to wait months for health insurance to kick in. Their bosses nixed part of a bill to give them coverage on day one.

State senators and representatives, by way of comparison, get health insurance on the day they are sworn in. Continue reading →

Crime & Courts

Judge rules that ban on mandatory life sentences for juveniles should be extended to young adults

If the Supreme Judicial Court affirms the decision, dozens of inmates convicted of first-degree murder for crimes committed in young adulthood may become eligible for parole. Continue reading →


Dan Shaughnessy

With David Ortiz headed into the Hall of Fame, we asked Yaz: Who was the better hitter?

Sox legend Carl Yastrzemski is secure in saying that Big Papi, who will be inducted into Cooperstown on Sunday, is the second greatest slugger in Red Sox history. Continue reading →

Red Sox

Trevor Story’s move to second base sparked plenty of debate, but he’s been one of baseball’s best in his new spot for the Red Sox

Story's range and athleticism have made him one of the best defensive second basemen around. Continue reading →

Tara Sullivan

Devils assistant GM Kate Madigan never saw herself as an inspiration, but she is

The Milton native has joined the small but growing club of women in the front office suites of professional sports. Continue reading →



Biogen sheds neuroscience drug programs amid uncertain future

The Cambridge firm has dropped five early-stage drugs for neurological diseases this year amid larger budget cuts following Aduhelm’s failed rollout. Continue reading →


Three top staffers set to depart BPDA, adding to dozens of agency openings

Another round of departures are underway at the city’s powerful development agency, as builders worry about understaffing. Continue reading →


Chief executive of Boston AI startup DataRobot resigns

Dan Wright, who took over for DataRobot cofounder Jeremy Achin as CEO in March 2021, will step down, and chief operating officer Debanjan Saha will take over on an interim basis. Continue reading →



Muriel Engelman, front-line nurse in World War II, dies at 101

As American soldiers fought to stave off a German offensive in the Ardennes Forest of Belgium, Muriel Engelman and her fellow Army nurses worked in snow, ice, and ankle-high mud, tending to wounded GIs during one of the bloodiest battles of World War II. Continue reading →


Robert F. Curl Jr., Nobel Prize recipient in chemistry, dies at 88

Dr. Curl was one of the discoverers of remarkably simple but completely unexpected carbon molecules known as buckyballs. Continue reading →


Michael Krepon, campaigner to limit nuclear arms, dies at 75

Michael Krepon was among the leading voices of nuclear nonproliferation, reaching policymakers on Capitol Hill and activists and academics worldwide for decades. Continue reading →

Arts & Lifestyle


Ten thrillers to read on your summer vacation

Chill out with these hair-raising mysteries, all published this year. Continue reading →


MFA receives transformational gift of modern prints

The collection of the late Harvard economist Richard E. Caves includes works by artists ranging from Picasso to Oldenburg. Continue reading →


WBUR anchor Jack Lepiarz performs on ‘America’s Got Talent,’ cracks the whip on Simon Cowell

Lepiarz, who goes by the stage name Jack The Whipper, appeared on NBC's “America’s Got Talent” where he stunned all three judges, including Simon Cowell, with his whip-cracking prowess. Continue reading →