
Hollywood elites, Nancy Pelosi, environmental radicals, and the Democrats' mega-donors are pouring millions of dollars into defeating Republicans, and we are fighting back!

Democrats believe they can buy our elections if they pound our candidates with waves of money. We are once again seeing massive amounts of liberal expenditures in many of the most hotly contested seats across the country. Unless we want to endure another Democrat majority in the House, we need your help to keep fighting, and win!

Democrats did this in 2020, and it was a large part of why they held the majority. They massively outspent Republicans around the country, and as we get ready to head into the general election - we can’t let it happen again.
We need leaders like Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne, who have shown they know how to stand up for our nation. She has led the charge to restore our rights, protect our freedom, and defend our nation. America needs more leaders willing to uphold these same duties!

We can’t allow the Democrats to win the majority again this year. John, we need to know today - will you join the fight to topple the Radical Left from controlling our nation’s government this year?
For a Red Majority, 
Conservative Republican Fighters