The 30th Anniversary Edition of CAGW’s flagship publication exposes 5,138 earmarks that are costing the taxpayers $18.9 billion in the appropriations bills that fund the federal government for fiscal year 2022.
You read that right, members of Congress are wasting $18.9 billion of the taxpayers’ money on their pet pork-barrel projects.
The worst earmarks received CAGW’s Oinker Awards, including “The Prince of Pork Award” to Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) for getting $637.4 million in earmarks, by far the most of any member of Congress and “The Snow Job Award” to Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) for getting $500,000 to restore a ski jump in New Hampshire.
And we could not leave out Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who got “The Revolutionary Pork Award” for sending $500,000 to the Revolutionary War-era Fort Ticonderoga.
If you want to learn about even more examples of congressional pork from “The Book Washington Doesn’t Want You to Read,” you can read the 2022 Pig Book Summary here.
And since you love holding Washington accountable, we are making a hard copy of the Pig Book Summary available to all supporters who donate $25 or more today.
Setting a hard copy of this little pink book on your coffee table is a perfect way to start up a dialogue with your friends and neighbors about the dangers of earmarks and profligate government spending.
Contained in this pink power book are the juiciest cuts of decadent government pork that the taxpayers are starving to have cut out.
So please don’t hesitate. Follow this link and sink your teeth into these morsels of pork in the 30th Anniversary Edition of The Congressional Pig Book.
And thank you as always for your continued support of CAGW.
Tom Schatz, President
Citizens Against Government Waste
P.S. A quick reminder that you can secure your very own hard copy of the 2022 Congressional Pig Book Summary for a donation of $25 or more.
Not only does your donation get you a copy of this pork-filled publication, but it also helps us continue to do our critical work of cutting government waste wherever we can.