UK nuclear policies: proliferation not disarmament - an NPT online event
The 10th review conference of the UN's nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is taking place this August. The treaty has been described as the cornerstone of global nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament - yet nuclear weapons are retained by signatory states, including Britain. This year world governments - including the UK - will assess the state of the treaty at a time when the threat of nuclear war is at its highest in a generation. 

To coincide with the NPT conference, CND is hosting a special online event looking at Britain's nuclear weapons policy and assessing whether it is in line with its NPT commitments.  
Guest speakers include: Ambassador Aidan Liddle, UK government Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, who will be joining us from the NPT conference in New York; Baroness Jenny Jones, former Deputy Mayor of London and long-time member of Mayors for Peace; and Dr Rebecca Johnson, CND Vice-President, director of Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy (AIDD), founding president of ICAN Geneva, ICAN steering group partner, author of CND’s 2022 report ‘Nuclear Weapons are Banned: What does this mean for Britain?’. Chaired by CND General Secretary, Kate Hudson

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