Hi John,

On Tuesday and Wednesday (19-20th July) the UK Supreme Court heard a case on the so-called “Abortion Safe Access Zones Bill”, which pro-abortion MLAs passed in the NI Assembly in March.

The judges in the Supreme Court have to decide if the Bill interferes with the rights of persons who wish to express their opposition to abortion in Northern Ireland. These rights are protected by the European Convention on Human Rights.

The outcome will affect the right to free speech not only of pro-life people in Northern Ireland, but the right to free speech of ALL people across the UK. If the judges allow the 'Abortion Zones Bill' to become law in Northern Ireland, this will be used to ban all pro-life presence outside abortion centres across the UK. And if pro-life vigils can be banned, then any legitimate public speech, assembly or protest can also be banned.

Please pray that the judges uphold truth and justice, and rule that the 'Abortion Zones Bill' does indeed interfere with human rights, and is scrapped.

Our baby-saving work still continues outside the abortion centers in Northern Ireland. You can join us to witness and pray for the unborn babies under threat of abortion at one of our peaceful Pro-Life Outreaches.  Or be a voice for Northern Ireland's unborn babies by helping us at our Street Outreach in Belfast this Saturday. Give us a call on 02890278484 or email [email protected]

The Precious Life Communications Team
Supreme Court to decide on Right to hold Pro-Life Vigils in Northern Ireland
The outcome will affect the right to free speech not only of pro-life people in Northern Ireland, but the right to free speech of ALL people across the UK.

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Listen to women who have been helped outside abortion centres
Pro-abortionists refuse to listen to the women who chose to keep their babies after talking to and receiving help from pro-life groups outside abortion centres. Here, Precious Life give a voice to one of those many women.

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WIN for Grandmother arrested for prayer walk - but parts of UK seek to make public prayer ban permanent
76-year-old Rosa Lalor has successfully overturned her fine after she was arrested for taking a prayer walk near an abortion facility

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