Last night was a major win in our fight to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship.
Pro-Israel candidate Glenn Ivey defeated his anti-Israel opponent, former Rep. Donna Edwards, in a Maryland Democratic primary that will all but certainly determine the next member of Congress.
Edwards: If it wasn’t for AIPAC, "this race wouldn’t even be close."
Glenn Ivey was down 21 points just two months ago. But with the support of our community and our new political strategy, Ivey came back to win this critically important election.
Through the AIPAC PAC and AIPAC Political Portal, pro-Israel Americans across the country provided the financial support Glenn Ivey needed to be successful, and the AIPAC-backed super PAC United Democracy Project ran TV, radio and digital ads educating voters about the two candidates.
We are proud to help elect pro-Israel leaders and defeat anti-Israel candidates.
Our new political model is helping keep Congress pro-Israel.
98 percent of candidates supported by the AIPAC PAC have now won their primary elections and Glenn Ivey became the tenth pro-Israel leader AIPAC has helped to defeat an anti-Israel candidate this election cycle.
Strengthening broad bipartisan support for the U.S.-Israel relationship will help advance America’s interests and ensure the United States always stands by our democratic ally Israel.
Defeating an anti-Israel candidate strengthens America and Israel.
Donna Edwards previously served in Congress from 2008-2017, where she took a number of anti-Israel positions. She refused to support a 2009 resolution recognizing Israel’s right to self-defense against terrorist attacks from Gaza and refused to join 410 House members in backing 2012 legislation that enhanced strategic cooperation between the United States and Israel.
We are just at the beginning of our long-term political battle.
We will not be passive as the future of the U.S.-Israel relationship is on the line.
This political battle will define our ability to keep Israel safe and advance America’s interests, and we will fight it for the remainder of this election cycle and for years to come.
Thank you for your leadership and support of our vital work.
I look forward to sharing more updates soon.
Ed Miller
Director of Political Information & Education
The mission of AIPAC is to encourage and persuade the U.S. government to enact specific policies that create a strong, enduring and mutually beneficial relationship with our ally Israel.
AIPAC 251 H St. NW • Washington D.C. 20001 • TEL 202-639-5200