SB 107 would make California a safe haven for child abductors and predators.
California seeks to legalize kidnapping children from conservative states!
July 20, 2022
Media Contact: Brad Dacus, 916-616-4126
Sacramento, CA — You read that subject line correctly. California Senate Bill 107 would allow an adult, even an unsuitable and unsafe parent, to legally take a child across state lines to California under the guise of securing genital surgeries and other “gender-affirming care” for the child.
SB 107 would make California a safe haven for child abductors and predators.
PJI’s Center for Public Policy (PJI-CPP) strongly objects to this monstrous Bill because it threatens families in conservative states to a degree that we don’t believe even the California Legislature has ever before attempted.
Defying every notion of interstate cooperation, common sense, and parental authority, SB 107 proposes to condone the taking of children from other states in violation of court orders. SB 107 is also hypocritical, as California has long depended on the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the U.S. Constitution both to pursue tax revenues in other states and to assert its immunity in the courts of other states.
Will you stand with PJI and make a generous financial gift as we fight these monstrous bills? Your gift of even $5 helps us to continue this fight. ([link removed])
PJI wrote to all California Assemblymembers and Senators:
SB 107 may be the most brazen assault on fundamental parental rights in the history of this state. Lawmakers who support it should fully and reasonably expect to forever be tarnished with the justly deserved labels of enabling and supporting parental and perhaps other kidnappings. This diabolical Bill must be stopped. We, therefore, urge you to take every possible step to ensure its swift defeat.
PJI-CPP believes SB 107 could be the next nationwide battle. Because SB 107 was amended on June 29, it has thus far escaped serious scrutiny. But while the California Legislature is in recess this month, we want to get the word out NOW to raise awareness and stop this almost-unimaginable piece of legislation.
Right now is a strategic time to build momentum before the Legislature attempts to push SB 107 the rest of the way through to become law.
“My wife and I are so blessed for PJI stepping up and seeking to right things that are wrong . . . And having blessed countless people over the years. Thanks for your heart and willingness to be on the front lines.” PJI Supporter
PJI has established offices nationwide with legal experts who are involved in matters of this nature. When PJI-CPP firmly opposes unconstitutional legislation, we make an easier path for our allies in the Legislature to act and to ensure these bills never become law.
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Thank you in advance for your generous support.
Running the Race,
Brad Dacus, Founder, and President of PJI
P.S. PJI is a top-rated, Four-Star nonprofit according to Charity Navigator, the largest evaluator of charities in the U.S., and more of your donation goes to the work of the ministry than it would in any other legal defense nonprofit in the country.
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