Take a trip to Brandon Falls! No images? Click here Good Morning! Here are the top stories you might have missed. Join the discussion!Bypassing Congress Biden could declare a climate emergency as soon as this week, in a bid to implement elements of his environmental agenda as climate legislation has stalled in Congress. Speaking of Climate ChangeEnvoy for Climate John Kerry’s family jet has emitted over 300 metric tons of carbon dioxide since the Biden administration began. Socialism 101 Tricking IllegalsD.C. Mayor is claiming that illegals are being tricked into being bussed to her city against their will. Brandon FallsSomeone has managed to place a landmark in the Delaware location of Biden's bicycle accident, naming it after the infamous ‘Let's go Brandon’ chant. CALL TO ACTION!Heritage Action has organized a toolkit to ensure Conservatives have a voice against the Biden administration's Title IX proposed rule change that would allow biological men that identify as girls to play sports. Your Funny of the Day!
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