From Michael Quinn Sullivan <[email protected]>
Subject Texas Minute: 7/20/2022
Date July 20, 2022 10:52 AM
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Good morning,

Yesterday, we asked if Joe Biden was mentally competent to continue serving as president, and readers offered their insights and opinions. You’ll find how folks answered at the conclusion of today’s Texas Minute.

And you won’t believe the class you’re underwriting at one Texas university…

– Michael Quinn Sullivan

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Border Patrol Records Highest Number of June Encounters Ever But no one who can declare an invasion will do so…

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol recorded 207,416 encounters for the month of June—the highest ever recorded in June since they began keeping track in 2000. They also recorded a 4 percent increase in unaccompanied minors, with 15,271 children attempting to cross the border alone. Sydnie Henry has the report [[link removed]].

Notably, 26 percent of the total June encounters were individuals already encountered by Border Patrol at least once in the past year.

Meanwhile, the federal government has awarded a $171.7 million contract [[link removed]] to the George Soros-linked Vera Institute of Justice to help illegal aliens avoid deportation. O’Rourke Takes $1 Million From Leftist Billionaire Soros Speaking of the liberal billionaire George Soros… He has donated $1 million to Gov. Greg Abbott’s Democrat challenger, Robert “Beto” O’Rourke. Katy Drollinger has the details [[link removed]] from recent campaign filings.

Since 1984, Soros has donated more than $32 billion to Democrat politicians and leftwing organizations.

“It’s no surprise Beto O’Rourke received a $1 million campaign contribution from billionaire George Soros, liberal Democrats’ favorite check writer, given they both support defunding our police, open borders, and radical energy policies,” said Abbott spokesman Mark Miner [[link removed]]. Parents SHOULD Be Activists In Their Kids’ Education In rural Waller ISD, located just outside Houston, parents have objected to a proposed health textbook, the Goodheart-Willcox “Comprehensive Health Skills for High School.” The text refers to pregnant persons, gender identity, and social justice activism, and advises that students research reproductive healthcare.

This week, reports Sydnie Henry [[link removed]], the Waller ISD board of trustees voted unanimously to reject the book for use in their schools.

“One [school] board member accused us of being activists, as a pejorative statement. To that I say, why is being active in your students’ education being seen as a bad thing? We are active parents and community members. Isn’t that what’s best for students?” said Jake Posey [[link removed]], a Waller father who was among those working the issue.

Now, Waller ISD—with input from parents on the Student Health Advisory Committee—will choose an alternative curriculum for high school health classes before school resumes next month. Taxpayers Underwriting College Class On Harry Styles If you thought ‘underwater basket-weaving’ sounded like a waste of a college class, just wait until you find out what Texas State University is doing with the taxpayers’ dollars…

Texas State University recently announced it will be offering a course called “Harry Styles and the Cult of Celebrity” in the spring 2023 semester. Teaching the class will be recently tenured Associate Professor of Digital History Louie Dean Valencia, who told KXAN that he’s a huge fan of the singer and wants to teach his class how the world has changed in the last 12 years.

It will not surprise you to learn Valencia also teaches classes on “Myths of Western Civilization: Decolonizing and Queering European History” and “Queer Youth Culture.”

The professor boasted on social media about his course being approved: “This is what tenure looks like. Let’s gooooo!”

You gotta hand it to them, Texas State University is making a good case for defunding itself and ending the leftist-enabling practice of tenure. Don’t Miss Kambree Today! The latest installment of The Kambree Show [[link removed]] will go live at 5 p.m. today [[link removed]]!

Kambree Nelson will be talking about the bizarre antics in one Texas school district… you won’t want to miss it! Austin Still Trying To ‘Decriminalize’ Abortion After the U.S. Supreme Court recently overturned Roe v. Wade—allowing states to now outlaw the practice of dismembering, poisoning, or using any other means to kill a baby in the womb—the Democrat-run Austin City Council wants to retaliate. Sebastian Castro reports [[link removed]] the council has planned several actions to enable more abortions in the city.

The council wants the police department to not store reports of soon-to-be-illegal abortions, give related information to other government agencies, nor investigate the businesses exterminating the preborn children.

Council members refuse to recognize women, instead labeling them as “pregnant people.”

Among other things, the council is considering an instruction for the city manager to “evaluate and make recommendations on benefits for City employees to support reasonable access to reproductive health care services that are no longer lawfully available in Texas.” Austin’s Admits Failure on Homeless Issue… Sort Of As Austin attempts to move forward after more than two years of a lawless public camping disaster, city officials have quietly admitted the failure of their largest homeless services contractor. Adam Cahn has the details [[link removed]]. The Socials If you’re on social media, here the platforms where you can find me: Instagram [[link removed]] … Facebook [[link removed]] … GETTR [[link removed]] … TruthSocial [[link removed]] … Twitter [[link removed]] Support Texas Scorecard?

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$6 [[link removed]] $18.36 [[link removed]] Other [[link removed]] Today in History

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong took his “one small step” on the Moon.

Number of the Day


Average number of miles to the Moon from Earth.

[Source: NASA [[link removed]]]


“Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon–July 1969 A.D–We came in peace for all mankind.”

– Inscription Plaque, Eagle Lander​

Y’All Answered [[link removed]]

In yesterday’s Texas Minute, we referenced the growing number of people who believe Joe Biden is mentally incompetent to continue serving as the president of the United States. So we asked our readers for their opinion. Turns out, 97.8 percent of readers believe Biden to be mentally unfit, leaving just 2.2 percent who think he’s competent.

Here’s a sampling from the inbox [[link removed]]…

“Not only is Biden unfit, he's the biggest joke ever played on the people of America.” – Barbara Campbell

“While Biden may be mentally unfit, there is one other person who is even more unfit than he is - Kamala! We must be careful for which we wish.” – Rowland Greenwade

“I believe Joe Biden is unfit to serve as President, but so is his Vice President. Our country is truly in a dangerous predicament.” – Mika Ryan

“The same partisan question about mental fitness was asked about Donald Trump when he was president. It wasn't appropriate then, and it isn't appropriate now.” – Jeff Radke

“‘End of quote, repeat the line’ is not something you really want to hear from a competent president.” – Patricia Forsythe

“If a father doesn’t remember talking to his son about million-dollar deals from foreign governments, he is mentally unfit.” – Steve Sullivan

“The whole situation is pitiful for America and for Joe Biden as well. We have a man in rapid decline right before our eyes and in front of the world. Sad all the way around, not to mention dangerous to our own existence.” – Nancy Wood

“The problem is that if President Biden is declared mentally incompetent, the succession per the 25th Amendment is V.P. Harris, followed by Speaker Pelosi. What a choice! Dumb, dumber, and dumbest, anyone?” – Arthur McLean

“I don't believe Biden is fit to be President but neither are the 2 people in position to take his place.” – Christy Gordon

“I believe Joe Biden is mentally unfit to serve as president. However, I also believe it would be a terrible mistake to remove him because we'd then be saddled with an even worse president. Best to just hunker down and make sure both are replaced in 2024.” – Ron Thompson

“Joe Biden could hide his own Easter eggs.” – John Kough

“I fully believe Biden is unfit to fulfill the obligations of president. That's more obvious every day.” – Machelle Morris

“Biden is unfit, yet Kamala is unfit as well. We need another option.” – Brent Shutt

“For those of you who say, ‘But Kamala…’ please remember neither Joe nor Kamala are actually running this shadow-puppet government.” – Tina Bartley

“I don’t know how anyone can watch President Biden on a consistent basis and come to the conclusion that he is mentally fit to be the leader of the free world.” – Kim Brittain

“If Biden is unfit, Republicans need to win control of Congress before Harris becomes president.” – Richard Steenson

“Not only is Biden mentally unfit, but also constitutionally unfit.” – Mark Bigley

“Joe Biden is unfit to serve, but any of the Dems in line to serve are also unfit and may be worse tyrants.” – Annette Vandeweken

“Of course he's unfit. But that's beside the point. It was a stolen election and he should be tried for treason.” – Tom Smith

“He should never have been installed as president. Bad things happen when elections are stolen!” – Mary Matthews

“Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi are Biden’s insurance policies against impeachment.” – Kermit Heaton

“Biden is most certainly unfit to continue as POTUS. The medical staff that continues to clear him should be charged with malpractice, at least. It’s sad to see an elderly man in his condition stumbling and bumbling his way across the international stage.” – William Wallace

“Since Biden is just a puppet and not really in charge, it doesn't matter except for the fact that he is a total embarrassment to our country.” – Sharon Loveall

“Totally unfit, BUT no impeachment because the alternative is worse. Let the Red Wave come (with fair elections) in November and decapitate their power.” – Wendell Pool

“Does anyone really think he is currently running the country, anyway? He's a buffoon representing the United States on the world stage.” – Lisa Buck

“While Joe Biden is a total idiot and unfit to serve as president of the United States, so is the next in line. I don’t know which one is worse. And after her is the worst yet. Quite a conundrum.” – Reed Vestal

“Obviously Biden is mentally unfit, as well as morally and ideologically. But none of those are requirements for installed puppets...” – Reid Davidson

“Even if Biden IS considered mentally competent, he is STILL unfit to be president of the US!” – Martin Kralik

“The problem is that, by far, the majority of all politicians are ethically and morally unfit.” – Mike Stafford

“We have bumbling, incoherent Biden as president, and babbling, inarticulate Harris as VP. Mentally, I don't think either of them are fit for office!” – Cathy Blake

“Anyone who spends 40 years in politics is mentally defective.” – Thomas Camardo

“If you think it can’t get worse than Biden, think again. The next in line is Kamala Harris, then Nancy Pelosi.” – Frank Genco

“Of course Joe Biden is unfit to serve. I would love to see him removed from office. The only way it would work would be to start at the back of the line of succession and work our way forward. First - Win the House and replace Nancy Pelosi with a Republican in November. Second - Impeach Kamala Harris for incompetence. Third - Remove Joe Biden for mental disability.” – Mike Thompson

“The citizens of America deserve a president who is fully functional. It's imperative to our safety & liberty.” – Mary Philio

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Produced by Michael Quinn Sullivan and Brandon Waltens, the Texas Minute is a quick look at the news and info of the day we find interesting, and hope you do as well. It is delivered weekday mornings (though we'll take the occasional break for holidays and whatnot).

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