Dear John xxxxxx,

Today, I was arrested for obstructing a street while protesting the rogue Supreme Court’s decision to strip away the long-established constitutional right to abortion. In the company of hundreds of other demonstrators, my message was clear, we are NOT going back. 

I lived the days before abortion was safe and legal. I remember the desperation of women—some of them my friends—who had to make dangerous decisions about how they were going to be able to exercise control over their own bodies. Some women died because they sought these dangerous methods to end a pregnancy. Let’s be clear. Roe was not the beginning of people having abortions; it was the end of women dying from abortions. And when Roe became the law of the land, women were able—finally—to control their own bodies. Abortion is health care. 

For more information on my arrest, please watch the end of this week's video update.

This week's video also includes information about my meeting with Highland Park Parade survivors, the House's latest efforts to ban assault weapons, and last week's passage of the National Defense Authorization Act.



Jan's Plans & Pans - July 19, 2022

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The Women's Health Protection Act and The Ensuring Women’s Right to Reproductive Freedom Act

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