We like good news here at Pat Ryan HQ, and we want to share some good news with you today:
In just 6 weeks, we doubled our Republican opponent’s 3-month total for the special election that will serve as a bellwether ahead of the midterms.

This is just the latest example of our growing, unifying movement. Our team is on the ground every single day, talking with voters across the district. We’ve already knocked on more than 4,000 doors. A recent poll now shows us tied within the margin of error and when we message to voters, we go up by 9 points!
We will win this race if we can outcommunicate our opponent. We’re now entering the final month of our campaign. With just 35 days until the special election, each dollar is worth more in our efforts to win.
It’s clear: momentum is on our side. Let’s make sure we can carry Pat’s message to the finish line. Can you help keep it up by chipping in $10 or anything you can to keep our fundraising advantage?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Thanks so much, team. We’re a grassroots powered campaign, and we will never accept a cent of corporate money.
Let’s keep it up!
Pat Ryan HQ