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Insights for Professionals
How Lead Entities Help Community-Based Organizations Cooperate
Community-based organizations (CBOs) are taking on more and more program and service delivery. Grouping together to share expertise—and leadership skills—can be a critical part of navigating that growth.
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New for Aging Services Professionals
New program aims to prevent falls at home
Learn about the Home Hazard Removal Program (HARP), a newly approved program for the Older Americans Act Title III-D evidence-based program pre-approved list. Aug. 10 @ 2 p.m. ET.
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Portable bed rail warning
The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission is sounding the alarm about potentially hazardous bed rails manufactured and sold from 1992 to 2022.
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NCOA welcomes new Board members
New NCOA Executive Board members Elizabeth Cole and Sian-Pierre Regis have personal and professional experience with aging and equity, dovetailing perfectly with our mission.
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NCOA urges action on health care costs
NCOA President and CEO Ramsey Alwin makes the case for Congress to make it easier for low-income older adults to afford health care by eliminating restrictive barriers.
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National Council on Aging | 251 18th Street South, Suite 500 | Arlington, VA 22202