I wanted to lay out for you why some of the down-ballot races we’re targeting are so important.
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This email is a little longer, John, but I promise it’s important.

With the midterms getting closer and closer, a lot of folks are focusing primarily on federal races. So I wanted to take a second to lay out for you why some of the down-ballot races we’re targeting this year — like state legislative races, secretary of state races, and state supreme court races — are so important to the future of our democracy.

But if you already know you want to help support pro-democracy candidates up and down the ballot as part of our fight for fair maps, you can click here to pitch in to the NDRC right now.

First, winning state level offices will be crucial to continuing the fight against gerrymandering. Even though we’ve made some progress with fair redistricting amendments, in many states, the legislature still draws the maps and the governor still approves them. Plus, the GOP has been working to install state supreme court justices they think will rubber stamp their manipulated maps. In order to ensure fair maps going forward, we need to help elect pro-democracy candidates instead.

Second, making sure Democrats who will fight for voting rights win key state offices is one of the best ways to stop GOP voter suppression, regardless of what Congress does. Republicans have used their power in state legislatures, combined with their control of secretary of state offices, to further restrict voting rights and regularly purge voters from the rolls. It’s up to us to help flip offices like those and put an end to these blatantly anti-democratic practices.

Third, winning state level offices will provide an important xxxxxx against GOP attempts to overturn a legitimate election. Donald Trump’s strategy to overturn the 2020 election hinged on asking state legislatures to send “alternate” (read: fake) slates of electors for Congress to count. Making sure pro-democracy candidates are in charge of state legislatures and governor’s offices in battleground states will be crucial in stopping their attempts.

And fourth, a huge number of important decisions on issues like abortion rights, LGBTQ rights, gun safety laws, and more are decided at the state level. Electing pro-democracy candidates up and down the ballot is a prerequisite to making progress on every issue Democrats care about, which is just one more reason we’re targeting so many state level offices this year.

So while there’s been a heavy amount of attention placed on Democrats’ chances of holding Congress this November, the truth is that the fight to save our democracy is playing out in state capitals all over the country, too. We’re working as hard as possible to help elect pro-democracy candidates in 17 target states this November — but we’re counting on your help to do it.

So John, with the future of our democracy hanging in the balance, please make a donation of any amount right now to help us keep up our work. These races, and all NDRC’s pro-democracy work, are just too important to ignore.

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