Hi Friend,

Last Friday, the nominees for the NCAA Woman of the Year award were announced. I was excited to be nominated by the University of Kentucky, where I swam for the women’s team for the last four years.

But I was shocked and heartbroken to learn that the University of Pennsylvania selected transgender swimmer Lia Thomas as their nominee — sidelining phenomenal female athletes at UPenn who they could have chosen.
Thomas competed on the UPenn’s men’s swimming team for three years before joining the women’s team in 2021, dominating several women’s events. I swam against Thomas at NCAA Championships earlier this year, where we tied for 5th place in the 200y freestyle final.

This decision is a kick in the face to all of UPenn’s female student athletes and, indeed, to female athletes everywhere.

UPenn and the NCAA have made their priority clear and (surprise!) it's not protecting females.
As I said last night when I joined Tucker Carlson on Fox News Channel, if we sit on the sidelines and do nothing, it will mean the end of women’s sports. The NCAA has completely disregarded and disrespected women who have essentially dedicated their whole lives to this same organization. 

We need you to speak up and share your story about being, parenting, or coaching a female athlete.

Allowing biological males to compete against biological females limits women’s chances of success, takes spots and accolades away from women, and places women at risk of increased injury. 
Women deserve to be heard and not have their opportunities, safety, and security sacrificed on the altar of radical identity politics. Please join me in sharing your story today.

Riley Gaines
Former University of Kentucky swimmer