ICYMI: Trump Serves Notice to Quit Paris Climate Agreement
"The Trump administration formally notified the United Nations...that it would withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement on climate change, leaving global climate diplomats to plot a way forward without the cooperation of the world's largest economy."

Join Jason today in demanding Trump reverse this disastrous move and put our planet over politics >>


Four years ago this week, the United States joined countries from all across the globe to band together and take meaningful action to prevent the impending climate crisis.

It's startling just how much can change in four years, team.

As a former Army Ranger and proud Coloradan, Jason knows firsthand that climate change is now one of the greatest threats to our national security. Things like rising sea levels and more frequent natural disasters negatively impact mission readiness and exacerbate disease outbreak.

This is a planetary crisis and we're already seeing the impacts of climate change. We're running out of time -- so join us today in asking this administration to put partisan politics aside and re-enter the Paris Climate Agreement before it's too late.

Our climate affects every single aspect of our life: the water we drink, the land we live on, and the air we breathe. It's going to take bold and imaginative leadership to tackle climate change before our planet suffers irreparable damage.

That's why Jason has already introduced legislation to improve and promote energy efficiency and diminish the impacts of climate change on our nation's security. Not to mention co-sponsoring the Climate Action Now Act to help get us back on track after Trump's irresponsible abdication of our nation's responsibility in this fight.

It's heartbreaking to think that the next generation -- including our own children -- may not be able to enjoy the outdoors in the same way we can. From the Rocky Mountains to the Great Sand Dunes, the natural beauty of Colorado is incredible. That's why this campaign refuses to ignore science and recommits our fight on behalf of our parks, our children, and our environment. If you're with us, add your name today -- because there is no Planet B.


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