
We now have less than 24 hours before the House Judiciary Committee hears HR 1808 - the new federal "assault weapons" ban.

That means today is our VERY LAST CHANCE to stop HR 1808 before the hearing at 10 a.m. EST tomorrow. 

If you haven't already, we need you to DONATE and TAKE ACTION. Immediate action is required. Do NOT put this off.


If you own:

  • An AR of any type
  • An AK of any type
  • A semiautomatic shotgun
  • A pistol with a threaded barrel
  • A pistol caliber carbine 
  • Any magazine with a capacity over 10 rounds
  • Any aftermarket parts such as fast-action triggers...

Then you could potentially be impacted by this sweeping federal ban. And you need to get in the fight ASAP!

The reason why it's so important that we stop this bill BEFORE the hearing is that this is a markup hearing.

That means the despots could use the hearing to propose amendments that could make this legislation EVEN WORSE. 

And given that we already know HR 1808 is being fast tracked to a floor vote, we cannot afford for it to be given even more teeth.

Indeed, HR 1808 pretty much already bans everything aside from pump actions and revolvers. What's to stop them from going for broke?





After all, the goal of legislation like HR 1808 is to:

  • Ban everything the tyrants can
  • Give the government more power
  • And send YOU to federal prison

That's why this is among the most important fights of the year and perhaps the most important action you can take in the battle for liberty.

Contribute to this fight to tell the tyrants "FUCK YOU, NO!" and be entered to WIN a Century Arms PSL 54 Marksman Rifle!

Stay Free,

Firearms Policy Coalition

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