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I am humbled and excited to announce that former State Senator and former Candidate for Michigan Governor, Patrick Colbeck, has endorsed me for Governor of Michigan!

"Over the past year, I have been evaluating candidates for Gretchen Whitmer’s direly needed replacement as Governor of Michigan. I am convinced that Ryan Kelley is the best candidate by far to serve us at the helm of our state government. 

In Ryan, we have a rare opportunity to elect someone who is not beholden to special interests. He doesn’t put his finger in the air to determine his policy positions. He works hard. He knows the issues. He knows the job better than anyone else running. Perhaps most important of all, he knows that the job isn’t about him. It is about you and your family. 

We truly have an opportunity to elect someone who will work for the best interest of all of us in Michigan. I am honored to endorse Ryan Kelley for Governor."

~Patrick Colbeck

Patrick and I have fought in the trenches together, and he has been a tireless voice for election integrity, even amid persecution.

I cannot thank you enough for your support, Patrick. I promise as Governor, to also support you in your fight. 

John, we have two weeks until the Primary.  Will you make a small contribution to help us reach more voters?

Thank you, and remember to vote Ryan Kelley for Governor on August 2!


To Freedom!

Ryan D. Kelley

Candidate for Michigan Governor