JULY 2022
Foundation for Child Development: Foundation News

Join us this Thursday, July 21st, for a roundtable webinar addressing issues related to the preparation of early educators and the role of research in their practice. Faculty preparing early educators will join in conversation about how early care and education (ECE) implementation research could be helpful in the preparation and practice of early educators and leaders and how to foster collaboration between practitioners and researchers. This discussion will also highlight the utility and value of the Foundation's new resource, Getting it Right: The Conversation Guide for Preparing the Next Generation of ECE Practitioners. This latest conversation guide serves as a companion piece to our 2020 Getting it Right: Using Implementation Research to Improve Outcomes in Early Care and Education publication and our 2021 Getting it Right: The Conversation Guide for Preparing the Next Generation of Implementation Researchers, which both provide insights into the value of implementation research in the study of ECE.

Attendees will have an opportunity to join the conversation and ask questions during a live Q&A session.

Register for the Roundtable Webinar
Building Blocks for the New Normal:
Mining the Bright Spots and Silver Linings
Tuesday, July 19, 2022 | 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EDT

Today, July 19th, the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading (CGLR) is hosting a webinar as part of its week-long series of virtual events spotlighting how dozens of states are working to advance early school success and accelerate equitable learning recovery.

Despite the challenges faced by children, educators, families, and all who are committed to advancing early school success during the pandemic, CGLR retains its relentless optimism about what is possible. This optimism is fueled by the innovative approaches to slow, stop, and reverse learning loss and spur equitable learning recovery that we’ve seen in communities across the country. These “bright spots” and “silver linings” that have emerged, with sustained investment and action, could drive transformative change for years to come. This session seeks to lift up and celebrate several pandemic-driven developments that can contribute to a better “new normal” for children and families.
Register for the Webinar
ABOUT US Research, policy and practice—we connect these pieces to help build early childhood systems that enable children to reach their full potential. Founded in 1900, the Foundation for Child Development identifies needs, fills gaps and integrates knowledge for successful implementation and continuous improvement. Learn more about our focus areas and download resources by clicking these links.
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