Schools have been the place where we've always known to be the setting for learning about and practicing democratic values. However, over the past year, we've seen teachers and educational settings increasingly come under attack when taking on topics related to racial and gender justice based work. Join us for an important and timely conversation on #RaceAnd The Attack on Public Education tomorrow July 20, at 7PM ET, 4PM PT.
Race Forward’s H.E.A.L. Together (Honest Education, Action & Leadership) team will host this discussion amongst educators, students and organizers on why it is critical for communities to unite to support our public school educators while organizing to advance racial equity.
This #RaceAnd conversation will focus on the connections between the ultra right billionaire-led campaigns against the work, and how this movement continues to empower right-wing extremists, that are leading to dire consequences affecting public education.
How can we fight back against a movement that is leaving teachers feeling frustrated and burnt out, at a time when teaching students the values of democracy is essential to fighting for the multiracial democracy we want to build?
This online event is part of our #RaceAnd series, which places race at the forefront by exploring the intersectionality of race and racism with various issue areas and systems of oppression.
In Solidarity,
The Race Forward Team