Senator Liz Krueger’s Virtual Town
“Sharing Our Streets: How Better
Design Can Make Streets Safer
And More User Friendly For Everyone”
Thursday, July 21st from 7pm – 8:15pm
The streets of Manhattan have always been busy,
but these days they can feel like they are busier than ever. Pedestrians,
cars, bikes, delivery workers, and restaurants are all sharing our streets
at the same time, and that can create challenging situations that are hard
to navigate. Most disturbingly, there is an upward trend in deadly
interactions between cars and other road users -- the first quarter of 2022
was the deadliest start to any year since Vision Zero began. How can we
design our streets so that they are safe, logical, and enjoyable for all?
Find out what efforts the City is making, including safer street designs,
Safe Streets for Seniors, and reimagining the future of city streets.
Speakers will include:
- Ed Pincar, Manhattan
Borough Commission, New York City Department of Transportation
- Captain Butler, Sargent Palaguachi, Officer
Aribas, NYPD 19th Precinct
- Paul Krikler, Safe Streets Advocate, Community Board 5 Transportation Committee Member
You will have the option of joining the
event online through Zoom, a webinar hosting service.
You will also have the option to view the event online through
Facebook. Please note that you do not need a Facebook account
or profile to view the event through Facebook.
If you do not have access to a computer, tablet,
or other electronic device, you can listen in by telephone.
**Once you register for the event, you will
receive a confirmation email with the Zoom and Facebook links, and the
call-in information.**
The event will feature a question and answer session with Ed
Pincar, NYPD 19th Precinct, and Paul Krikler. If you have questions about
the City’s traffic calming measures, NYPD enforcement on our streets, and
the campaign to make our streets safer, you should attend the event on July
21st. Attendees will be able to submit questions through Zoom and Facebook
during the event but are strongly encouraged to submit them in advance.
Please let us know if you plan to attend the Thursday, July
21st Virtual Town Hall by registering at