John, Thanks to Governor Walz and our DFL legislators, Minnesota legalized small amounts of edible, adult use-cannabis for Minnesotans 21 and up this month. It’s a step in the right direction, but we need to go further.


Thanks to Governor Walz and our DFL legislators, Minnesota legalized small amounts of edible, adult use-cannabis for Minnesotans 21 and up this month. It’s a step in the right direction, but we need to go further.

There is growing consensus that building more and more prisons isn’t the answer to the nation’s drug problem, and Minnesota is getting left behind. Our current cannabis laws are doing much more harm than good, specifically in communities of color where they have been disproportionately enforced. 

True adult-use cannabis legalization will provide health, economic, criminal justice, and civil rights benefits in communities across the state.

A majority of Minnesotans agree: It’s time to legalize, regulate, and expunge past cannabis possession convictions. But Republicans are still standing in our way. They even tried to convince the Governor to call a special session so they could stop the small-scale legalization that went into effect this month from moving forward.

John, that’s why we need to keep the pressure on. Will you take a moment to stand with us today? Add your name and make your voice heard loud and clear: It’s time to legalize adult-use cannabis!

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24-hour Goal: 5,000 Signatures

Thank you,

Minnesota DFL

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