Dear John,
The injustices of our world are painfully evident. Thankfully, people around the world are responding with love, courage, and commitment to bring change. I see examples every day of people working tirelessly to meet urgent needs and transform unjust conditions. Thank you for supporting our efforts!
A lot of people these days are having trouble making ends meet. We’re all feeling the effects of inflation and economic uncertainty. Many communities face food shortages as a result of war, political instability, or the effects of climate change.
Donations from caring people like you make a difference. Could you help out with a gift today to support our worldwide work?
With the support of the AFSC community, a network of farmers in New Mexico is providing healthy food to public schools. Mayan Ixil communities in Guatemala are growing vegetables in community greenhouses, which protect plants from pests and improve yields. Tenants in Atlanta are organizing to stand up for their rights and hold onto their homes. Immigrants in Los Angeles are using urban farms to grow ancestral foods. It’s all connected. And so are you.
As the obstacles mount on a global scale for meeting basic needs, it is all the more important to support local community initiatives like these. If you can, please make a special gift today to help keep those efforts – and many more – going strong. I realize that not everyone is in a position to give right now, but if you do have the means, your kindness will go a long way. These are challenging times. But we can get through them together.
Thank you again for being part of a global community that cares for one another. Let’s keep showing the world what love can do!
In peace,