Marjorie Taylor Greene faced criticism on social media this weekend
for calling non-biological parents "fake mom and fake dad" as
Republicans push adoption as an abortion alternative in the wake of
the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade.
Greene’s show MTG Live, she explained one reason she worries
for children is because some are raised by “fake”
"Children are in the greatest danger in
America today because traditional family values are being
destroyed—the idea that mom and dad together, not fake mom and fake
dad, but the biological mom and biological dad, can raise their
children together and do what's right for their children.” —Marjorie
Taylor Greene
Friends, this is disgusting. And no one who believes
that adopted parents are “fake” should serve at any level of our
government, let alone Congress.
Let’s hold Marjorie Taylor Greene accountable for her
hateful rhetoric by electing Marcus Flowers, the Democratic Army
Veteran running to unseat her.
you chip in today to help Marcus DEFEAT her this
Overturning Roe was a disaster for our state (and for our country,
for that matter). Marjorie Taylor Greene’s hatred is only making it
Let’s send her a message this November,
Team Flowers for Congress
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