Insider News from the Political Revolution!
HEADLINES: Biden Admin vs Abortion Activists | Pramila Jayapal: Expand Supreme Court! | Bernie Backs Zuckerman in VT | Vote in MD Tuesday | Labor Stands with Levin| Pitchforks in the Hamptons - TAX THE RICH | & MORE! ★ ★ ★ Become a monthly donor to fight far-right authoritarians and corporate control. We need YOU to maximize our collective action and pressure on Washington. ★ ★ ★ Make sure to mark your calendars for 8:30p ET/5:30 PT next Monday (July 25th) when Our Revolution will host US Rep. Ilhan Omar (MN-5) and other great progressives on our LIVE National Organize-to-Win Call! RSVP ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ JAYAPAL ON DEMOCRATIC ACTION & RACES EXPAND THE SUPREME COURT! Our Revolution officially endorses US Rep. Pramila Jayapal (WA-7) for re-election to Congress, where she serves as Chair of the Progressive Caucus. Rep. Jayapal joined our National Organizing Call Monday, laying out concrete actions Democratic leadership can take now to fight for abortion rights and deliver for our lives. “Our strength comes in times of crisis. This is a moment for us to organize,” she said. “We must expand the Supreme Court and hold these rogue justices to account.” (More on abortion rights in the ‘Progressive Policies’ section below) She said progressives are pushing for a higher amount of student debt cancellation and hope to get it before the moratorium ends on Aug. 31st. “Another executive action would raise the overtime threshold for pay raise to 30M workers.” Dems must use their power to deliver tangible results and earn trust and votes to stop a red wave in November. Help us maximize pressure on Washington NOW. The Congressional Progressive Caucus is up to 100 members and Rep. Jayapal is thrilled to welcome new movement allies we’re helping elect to the US House – folks like Summer Lee in PA and Delia Ramirez in IL. “We have a whole slate of candidates across the country destroying the myth that progressives can’t win in swing districts,” Rep. Jayapal said. “And, Our Revolution candidates aren’t just progressive, they’re organizers — we need more organizing on the inside.” As Rep. Jayapal said: “They want us to get discouraged - we don’t let that happen.” Become an active member with Our Revolution to keep growing progressive dominance in Congress. ★ ★ ★ ZUCKERMAN ENDORSED BY BERNIE — AND US! Our Revolution joins Bernie in our strong endorsement of David Zuckerman to return to the post of Lt. Governor of Vermont! David is an organic regenerative farmer and longtime progressive independent voice in the VT House and Senate, where he’s led on: economic justice, marriage equality, cannabis reform, renewable energy, water quality, universal healthcare, and more. David said they’ve built a coalition of folks challenging incrementalist Dems in Vermont to meet the urgency of our times, while also reaching working-class folks of all stripes. “Bernie inspired me when I was a student in ‘92 — he said exactly what he believed and didn’t put his finger to the wind,” David said. “Some folks on the other side actually agree with us, they’re just sick of mealy-mouthed politicians.” He said our progressive policy message resonates with folks who feel left behind. “You used to come out of high school and be able to get a manufacturing job — that’s all gone.” “Reaganomics, ‘trickle-down,’ international exploitation of low-wage work overseas – all made it so decent people can’t put food on the table or a roof over their head,” David said. “We’re on the ground with folks seeing their issues and working to solve them.” Join David and Our Revolution in the fight for economic, racial, social, and environmental justice! Sign up to make calls with our 2022 Phonebank Force to get our progressive message out to the whole country. ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution is proud to back Marc Elrich - one of our most effective progressive allies - as he fends off a challenge from a healthcare CEO for re-election as Montgomery County Executive in Maryland. “I like doing the work. The most important thing someone can do with their lives is to be purposeful and make a difference.” Marc told us on our National Organizing Call Monday night. Since his election in 2018, Marc has worked hard to make strides on key priorities of environment, public education, healthcare, and economic justice — earning him the trust and support of a diverse coalition. In his next term, Marc told us his “goal is to accelerate our climate plan and push for rent stabilization” — earning him the ire of wealthy developers seeking taxpayer giveaways. Marc is proving that “a lefty can not only win but govern so effectively that voters want to return him to office,” reports — despite staunch opposition from the world’s third richest man, Jeff Bezos, and his newspaper. Marc was a beloved 5th-grade teacher at Rolling Terrace Elementary, then a City Council and County Council member. He got his start in the movement by listening to MLK Jr. speak at the March on Washington and later was arrested at an anti-apartheid protest. In 2018 - by just 77 votes! - Marc beat out former Healthcare CEO David Blair, who’s running again on massive ad spends — which we are countering via direct voter outreach. Recent polls show Marc with the lead and he has an excellent shot to win this primary, but we’re mobilizing to power him over the finish line on Tuesday! SIGN-UP HERE to call voters for Marc and other great progressive candidates ready to partner with our movement for positive change. ★ ★ ★ VOTE TUESDAY FOR SHEILA RUTH Tuesday is also Election Day for progressive Del. Sheila Ruth who’s vying for a first full term on the Maryland State Assembly (District 44B)! Sheila serves on the important Environment and Transit Committee, where she is working hard for a well-planned transportation system. On our LIVE Broadcast Monday, she laid out the economic and equity impacts for poor and marginalized folks in Baltimore. Sheila is a champion for state-based universal healthcare — “there’s no reason we can’t get it done in Maryland,” she told us. “And, we must allow the AG to sue fossil fuel companies for the damage of the climate crisis — taxpayers shouldn’t be on the hook for that!” Sign-up to GOTV for Sheila, Marc, and other great candidates! Like Sheila said: “It’s about building progressive power — we need more of us in office at the state and local level.” ★ ★ ★ JOINING LEVIN FOR LABOR RALLY & CLIMATE CANVASS Our Revolution rallied this weekend with labor unions and climate activists working to re-elect US Rep. Andy Levin to Congress to represent Michigan-11. Our Revolution leader Don Mongrain helped lead a canvassing training for volunteers hitting the street to knock on every door we can ahead of Election Day Aug. 2nd! Our folks were proud to rally and put in the work alongside union leaders from across the district. On Monday, Andy joined striking workers at the Bloomfield Hill Nursing Home demanding what they deserve. Members of Our Revolution also joined Andy and climate activists last week to canvass neighborhoods and let folks know that Andy is THE CLIMATE CHAMPION in this race. While his opponent takes fossil fuel money, we know that Rep. Levin - an original cosponsor of the Green New Deal - is dedicated to good-paying union jobs and a prosperous green economy. Join our call team to GOTV for Andy! Bernie sounded the alarm on the far-right money targeting this race and called on all of us to make sure we re-elect this critical ally in Congress. ★ ★ ★ We’re halfway through the 2022 primaries — and we’re still stacking up major progressive wins for Congress: Greg Casar (TX-35), Summer Lee (PA-12), Jasmine Crockett (TX-30), Jamie McLeod Skinner (OR-5), Andrea Salinas (OR-6), Delia Ramirez (IL-3) and Jonathan Jackson (IL-1), and others! As corporate Dems sabotage their own prospects for the midterms, we’re growing progressive power at every level of government so eventually, we’ll outnumber them — and can override their complacency and complicity in blocking progress. Become a recurring donor TODAY to help us take down the worst corporate Dems in these primaries and give voters the most electable AND progressive candidates in November! ★ ★ ★ This 2022 primary season, Our Revolution Phonebank Force has made more than 500,000 phone calls to voters across the country! We’re recruiting as many folks as possible to hit that one-million mark and beyond! Right now, we have shifts for incredible candidates for Congress like Brittany Ramos-DeBarros (NY-11), Andy Levin (MI-11), David Segal (RI-2), Melanie D’Arrigo (NY-3), and many others! COMMIT TO A CALL SHIFT ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Our rights are being stripped; climate chaos is intensifying; mass shootings and police brutality are rampant; and most of us are struggling to pay for food, gas, housing, healthcare, and, well, everything. Naturally, the message from Corporate Dems is basically: shut up and vote harder. “I don’t believe the President can’t find a way to move two senators in his own party — the president has the power, the reputation as a dealmaker,” Our Revolution Political Director Aaron Chappell told The Hill. “We’ve been yelling about a looming disaster for a while now, and we’ve tried to be very reasonable.” “The president had plenty of warning with the leak on Roe v. Wade, and I think it’s really hard to convince people to come back out with this kind of response.” Sadly, the quote above is completely on-brand for Corporate Dems to display such disdain and indifference toward pro-choice Americans doing the work to defend our rights. Here’s the deal, Jack: If Dems did their jobs, activism wouldn’t be such heavy lifting. If they don’t want to do their jobs, then stop kneecapping progressives who will. The kicker — President Biden has been in talks with Mitch McConnell to appoint an anti-abortion judge to a lifetime seat in Kentucky. It’s time for progressives to take the reins from corporate DNC puppets. Help us elect better leaders at every level to turn the gears of government before it’s too late. ★ ★ ★ WHAT DEMS CAN DO ON ABORTION RIGHTS EXPAND THE SUPREME COURT - AND MORE US Rep. Pramila Jayapal called for the expansion of the Supreme Court on our National Organizing Call on Monday, saying we need more justices because the court is “another institution that’s broken.” “I’m signed onto Mondaire Jones’ bill because the Senate is broken by the filibuster, creating a vacuum for the radical rightwing Supreme Court to step in and legislate on Roe v Wade, collective bargaining, the EPA, and more,” Jayapl told us. US Rep. Mondaire Jones (NY-17) also introduced a bill to institute Supreme Court ethics and transparency standards, requiring disclosure of lobbying and dark money interests. “And, I’ve introduced a bill to codify the right to access to contraceptives because we know the Supreme Court is going after that next,” Jayapal told us. Other options: put clinics on federal land, secure interstate travel, and challenge state bans on pills. As David Zuckerman told us: it’s because progressives shifted the power balance in Vermont that Prop 5 is on the ballot to enshrine reproductive rights. Help us build out progressive power in states across the country! ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution activists have been in the streets making the demand for action on abortion rights for years - and when the Supreme Court decision leaked two months ago, we jumped into rapid response mode. In states across the country, our members have been on the frontlines: protesting, organizing, and getting vital info out to vulnerable folks in this time of crisis. We demand the Democratic leadership bring the same energy to this fight. Just this past Monday, Our Revolution NJ activists were outside the office of State Senate President Nicholas Scutari calling for the state’s bill to expand abortion rights to be passed. If you live in NJ and want to get involved, join our new member welcome session. ★ ★ ★ TAX THE RICH - HAMPTONS EDITION! What a lovely weekend in the Hamptons… where hundreds of us marched on “Billionaire Row” - pitchforks in hand! - to demand New York TAX THE RICH! Our Revolution NYPAN and Long Island Activists joined NY Communities for Change, Extinction Rebellion, and others, calling for billionaire money to pay for climate action, housing, education, and community investment. A total of 16 arrests took place as activists blocked roads and the entrance to an airport for private planes in East Hampton, and stormed a private beach, reported. Become a member right now to help us turn up the heat on billionaires whose greed is literally killing us with rising emissions, rising temperatures, and rising inequality. ★ ★ ★ WORKPLACE DEMOCRACY IN CALIFORNIA WE HAVE A SHOT - CALL YOUR SENATORS We need YOU to stand up with fast-food workers, Our Revolution, SEIU, and Fight for $15 and a Union to demand the California State Senate pass AB-257 - The FAST Recovery Act. This bill would give these essential workers a say in setting health, safety, and employment standards while holding major food chains accountable. TAKE ACTION - add your voice in solidarity with worker activists - tell your state senator to pass AB 257 for greater power and democracy in the workplace. Let’s not squander this opportunity! ★ ★ ★ BIRD-DOGGING FOR MEDICARE FOR ALL Our Revolution M4A Activists are continuously waging the fight and pressuring members of Congress to commit their votes in favor of Medicare for All. In NJ, we flipped Energy and Commerce Chair Rep. Frank Pallone (NJ-6) and now we’re working on US Rep. Andy Kim (NJ-3) — showing up to his town halls and calling him to co-sponsor the Medicare for All Act (HR-1976). So far, the majority of House Dems support the bill, but Rep. Kim hesitates, citing his fear that future Republican administrations might revoke it later — why do anything then? We need leaders to take a stand and press forward. If you’re in NJ-03, help us amass support and pressure for M4A — we’re holding rallies, and demonstrations, going to legislative offices, penning op-eds, gathering petitions, and more! ★ ★ ★ As you know, Bernie founded Our Revolution five years ago to wage the fight for our progressive policy solutions and elect allies who will work with our activists on the outside. Our Revolution is the largest progressive grassroots-funded organization in the country — but we need to double our coalition and max out our power to beat back the big money dominating American politics. Become a sustaining member TODAY. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ HOW WOULD YOU CHANGE THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY Our Revolution and progressives worked hard to get transformative proposals on the table to change the Party from within – and major DNC meetings are happening right now! These meetings are public, but there are more corporate consultants than ever. That’s why we need you to WEIGH-IN right now — tell us how the Democratic Party needs to change. We’re not cheerleaders for the party, but right-wing and corporate money is flooding primaries and there are currently no rules to address it. Make yourself heard NOW! SURVEY ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Mark your calendars for 8:30p ET/5:30 PT next Monday (July 25th) when Our Revolution will host US Rep. Ilhan Omar (MN-5) and other great progressives on our LIVE National Organize-to-Win Call! RSVP ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution is thrilled to be fighting for Ballot Initiative 1471 — Washington Health Trust – the first-ever non-profit, state-wide universal healthcare system in the country! A successful state program will prove that single-payer bills like Medicare for All not only save money but SAVE LIVES - and we need you to join this fight! Our Revolution is partnering with Whole Washington to get more than 400,000 signatures to put universal healthcare on the ballot. Ballot measures can circumvent obstructionist politicians, but they require dedicated activists like us to put in the work! SIGN UP HERE! ★ ★ ★ Our movement is showing primary victories that can overcome the force of big money through direct voter outreach. This summer, we can elect more allies and replace more #ManchinDems! Join a call shift — it feels great to change a voter’s mind in real-time and know that you’re changing the composition of power. SIGN UP TO PHONEBANK ★ ★ ★ US Rep. Andy Levin is one of our most committed working-class fighters in Congress — and we need your help to make sure he beats a corporate Dem opponent gunning for the seat with AIPAC money! We will be calling thousands of Our Revolution supporters in Michigan’s 11th district, which includes Detroit area communities like Bloomfield and Pontiac — hop on the dialer with us to make a few calls! PHONEBANK TO HAVE ANDY’S BACK! ★ ★ ★ Our Revolution is making calls to David Segal to Congress (RI-2) — and he would be a key ally against corporate power and corruption. Join us to make an impact on one of the most critical primaries of 2022. VOLUNTEER HERE! ★ ★ ★ Melanie D’Arrigo is an incredible advocate for Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, and our popular progressive agenda – let’s beat out the establishment and send her to Congress! Help us reach voters directly in NY-3. MAKE CALLS FOR MELANIE ★ ★ ★ DEFEND DEMOCRACY PETITION Congress is investigating the crimes of January 6th, but they don’t have the power to prosecute. That’s why Our Revolution is calling on state election officials to do their job, enforce the Constitution, and bar insurrectionists from the ballot! The American people can’t stomach any more political theater. Let’s put the evidence into action and ensure Trump and his minions are disqualified from ever serving in government again! SIGN & SHARE OUR PETITION! ★ ★ ★ For $5 a month, become a sustaining member of Our Revolution and our critical work around the country. We’ll send you our new 2022 Membership Card, but at higher monthly donations, you get lots of cool gear! For $10 a month, get a sticker 6-pack, and at $15, get the stickers and a poster. For $27, get both PLUS a tote bag — or join at the $50 level to get it all and a T-shirt. BECOME A MOVEMENT BUILDER ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
