After today's Mueller hearing no American should have any doubt that our democracy is under threat.

At today’s hearing, Americans clearly and definitively heard from Special Counsel Robert Mueller on 2 critical points:

1. Contrary to the claims from President Trump and A.G. Barr, the Mueller report DID NOT exonerate President Trump. If the president had not committed a crime, he would have said so in the report.

2. Russians hacking to interfere with our democracy was “not a hoax”

These threats to the foundation of American democracy need to be met with decisive action to defend our elections.

Our enemies need to know that there is a price to pay for interfering with our democracy. If not, we will see even more foreign attacks to undermine our elections. Additionally, if we ignore clear evidence of obstruction of justice, a terrible precedent will be set.

This is too important to allow Republicans to sit back and continue to play political games. We need to do everything in our power to raise the heat on Republican members of the House and Senate—many of whom have been incredibly quick to unjustly brand others as ‘anti-American’ while they openly refuse to do their jobs and protect this country from a grave and serious threat.

Add your name to demand that Mitch McConnell and his Republican colleagues stop protecting Donald Trump and start protecting our democracy. And they can start right now by allowing a vote on key legislation to protect our elections!

We are facing uncharted waters, but I believe that if we stay united and persevere we will save this country from this disastrous President.

Thank you for standing up for our democracy!
