We've got some timely and critical information to share this week, including the launch of the "988" number for crisis support, and an urgent ask to contact your legislators in support of the Respect for Marriage Act, which was just introduced in both the House and the Senate this morning!



The "988" Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Too many people experience suicidal crisis or mental health-related distress without the support and care they need. There are urgent mental health realities driving the need for crisis service transformation across our country. In 2020 alone, the U.S. had one death by suicide about every 11 minutes—and for people aged 10-34 years, suicide is a leading cause of death.

There is hope. The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline—previously known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline—is a national network of more than 200 crisis centers that helps thousands of people overcome crisis situations every day. These centers are supported by local and state sources as well as the Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). As of July 16, 2022, all calls and text messages to “988” route to a 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline call center.

Need immediate crisis support? Dial 988, or visit 988lifeline.org.


Three Steps to Being a Better Self-Care Advocate

We’ve been talking a lot about the critical need for self-care over the last few years; International Self-Care Day is coming up on July 24th, so we’ve got some great ways to be an advocate to ensure you and others you love are taking really good care. 

  1. Learn: Read this article on the history of self-care and these 12 quotes from Audre Lorde so you can better understand and explain why taking care of our mental and physical health is an integral part of activism. Take a look at this oldie but goodie blog from PFLAG about self-care post Pride.
  2. Watch: Check out this iconic video from Angela Davis on radical self-care posted as a part of a video series by AfroPunk in 2018. Be sure to check out this week's episode of Something to Talk About Live! (see below), and then re-watch episodes on demand, including one from 2020 about self-care during political turmoil and one from 2021 about helping young people who report feeling down.
  3. Share: Use social media to share with friends and family what you’ve been doing to take care of yourself lately. Post a list of self-care activities, like this one from Healthline, to get the conversation started with groups you are a part of online.


Tell your Legislators: Co-Sponsor and Vote in Favor of the Respect for Marriage Act!

The U.S. House and Senate just jointly introduced the Respect for Marriage Act (RMA). The RMA repeals DOMA and ensures that states honor other states’ laws regarding same-sex marriage, including federal enforcement by the Attorney General and giving individuals the right of private action to sue when a state violates the law.

While the SCOTUS Obergefell ruling codifying federal marriage equality still stands, given SCOTUS’s recent ruling on Dobbs (reversing 50 years of precedent under the decision in Roe v Wade) and the anti-marriage threat made in Justice Thomas’s concurring statement on the Dobbs decision, it is critical to act legislatively now, as more rights to privacy and bodily autonomy hang in the balance under the current court. 

PFLAG National’s Executive Director Brian K. Bond issued a statement and call to action against all urgent attacks on the LGBTQ+ community and families, and now we need YOU to contact your Senators and Representatives to ask them to co-sponsor and support the RMA.

Tell your legislators to cosponsor and vote in favor of the RMA, today!

Something to Talk About...Live!

International Self-Care Day

International Self-Care Day was established in 2011 to raise awareness about self-care by focusing on what it is, why it is important, and the benefits for individuals, families, and communities. It is now recognized by the World Health Organization as the culmination of Self-Care Month, which begins on June 24. 

Join us this Thursday, July 21 at 4:30 PM ET / 1:30 PM PT for Something to Talk About Live! where we will be discussing "Everything You Know About Self-Care Isn't Wrong… But It’s Not Quite Right," which appeared in Women’s Health. We're excited to welcome Rahim Thawer, psychotherapist, clinical supervisor, facilitator & public speaker, sessional lecturer, writer, and community organizer to the conversation.

You can watch live on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

To learn more--and to check out our discussion questions in advance--visit pflagnation.al/STTALive-072122.

Remember: We're here to help. Find us all at pflag.org/about/our-people.

Let’s stay safe, stay healthy--and stay connected.

We're here for you,
Team PFLAG National


PFLAG National
(202) 467-8180 | info@pflag.org

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