Hi, it’s Marcus Flowers, Democratic Army Veteran running for
Congress against Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Over the weekend, my opponent called me a communist and begged her
supporters to “rush a donation” to bury my campaign.
Really, Marjorie Taylor Greene?
I proudly served this nation
in on multiple continents -- including Eastern Europe on the doorstep
of Communism -- and I don’t remember her ever doing a damn thing for
our country.
help me set the record straight by contributing $10 or more to my
----Begin forwarded message---- From: Team
Flowers for Congress <[email protected]> Subject:
Marjorie Taylor Greene just called me a communist Sent on July 17,
2022 at 3:05 p.m.
In case you didn’t see the news yesterday: Marjorie Taylor Greene is now calling her
Democratic opponent, Marcus Flowers, a “communist” and begging her
supporters to help bury our campaign.
Let’s set the record straight: Marcus Flowers is a proud US Army veteran
who served our country bravely on multiple continents.
In fact: Marcus
has done more to fight communism than Marjorie Taylor Greene EVER
Regardless, we need your help to stand up to these
incendiary attacks on Marcus Flowers.
you rush a contribution to our campaign so we have the resources to
set the record straight?
Paid for by
Marcus for Georgia PO Box 532 Rome, GA 30162 United