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Health Justice

This month’s Health Justice newsletter features three key priorities for the field: reclaiming bodily autonomy and choice, bridging health equity with infrastructure projects, and transforming workplace conditions for healthcare workers. Our first piece kicks off a new health justice series by Sonia Sarkar—Reclaiming Control: The History and Future of Choice in Our Health—with an introduction to the history of racist and sexist modes of control in US healthcare, and to the movements fighting back. Next, we look at how grassroots organizations are transforming infrastructure to center health equity. Turning to healthcare as a workplace, we explore how worker co-ops can improve a system of poor pay and conditions for millions of workers. Finally, the NPQ team is expanding: we’re hiring a senior editor for our Health Justice desk!

Control in Healthcare: History and Reclamation of Bodily Autonomy

Our current system is part of a history of economic, racial, patriarchal, and religious control that has shaped US healthcare. Yet there is also a parallel history of hope, resistance, and organizing for collective wellbeing. Read more…
Want to Hold Better Board Meetings?
Your board doesn't have to settle for outdated systems and burdensome workflows anymore. It’s time for nonprofits to harness the power of modern board governance.
Upgrade Your Governance

To Bridge Health Equity and Infrastructure, We Must Harness Grassroots Power and Creativity

During a moment of unprecedented federal support for new infrastructure, community-led, grassroots organizations have the power and creativity to carry out infrastructure projects that improve health equity, building a more equitable society. Read more…
Celebrate the 32nd Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act 
Learn about the Americans with Disabilities Act, its impact on the disability community, and how we can collectively move toward a more disability-inclusive world.
Visit the Disability & Philanthropy Forum

Transforming Low-Wage Healthcare: The Promise of Worker Ownership

Today, the nation’s healthcare system has nearly seven million low-wage workers. Worker co-ops can play an essential role in transforming their workplace conditions. Read more…
The Next Generation of Grants Management Software
In this free guide, explore three essential themes to help you understand grantmaking's rapid evolution and ten key software features your grants management solution needs.
Get the Guide

NPQ Job Posting: Senior Editor, Health Justice

The NPQ team is expanding: we’re hiring a senior editor for our Health Justice desk! Read more…
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