This week, The Hill published an article claiming that Virginia was trending towards the GOP. With the election of Glenn Youngkin last November, the Virginia GOP has turned their sights towards three House districts currently held by Democratic women.
With this continual talk of a “red wave,” in Virginia, one must wonder: what does the GOP actually have to show for their 6 months in the Governor’s mansion? Is it…
- Pushing legislation that makes reproductive healthcare less accessible?
- Attacking LGBTQ youth?
- Spending more time prepping for a 2024 presidential bid than actually governing our Commonwealth?
While Glenn Youngkin and GOP allies may claim that Virginia Republicans are focusing on “kitchen table issues,” candidates like Hung Cao, Jennifer Kiggans, and Yesli Vega are more focused on putting forward bigoted and ideologically extreme policies than improving the lives of Virginians.
It is time to fight back and show that Virginia Democrats are just as strong as ever. Virginians deserve better than the extremism of the GOP, and we will make our voices heard at the ballot box this November. It’s time for us to show up, show out, and make sure Jennifer Wexton, Elaine Luria, and Abigail Spanberger are back in Washington in 2023.
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