Good morning,
Here's the AIA weekly update for July 18, 2022...
🗒️ Oregon training teachers in “anti-racism” ideology
Anti-racism is one of the latest buzzwords circulated by the Left in education, and it has made its way into public education at the state and local levels. Fox News reported that Oregon’s Department of...
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🗒️ Parents’ rights groups sue Biden over secretive council
The Biden administration is under a barrage of criticism from parents nationwide and it is not relenting. Parent’s rights groups are suing the administration because the Department of Education created a new parents’ council, which...
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🗒️ Tennessee charter school severs ties with Hillsdale after controversy
Teachers’ unions and entrenched education bureaucratic interests do not take criticism well, especially when conservative, free-market and school-choice supporters correctly point out public education’s flaws. The public pressure against school choice and charter school supporters...
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🗒️ Arizona passes sweeping school choice changes
School choice is a growing trend among red states, and one of the leading pro-school choice states is the Grand Canyon State of Arizona. Its Republican governor, Doug Ducey, signed into law a significant advancement...
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🗒️ The ‘Social Justice Factory’ and Biden’s Title IX Regulations
In June, the Biden administration’s Department of Education rolled out new Title IX guidelines related to how schools must address sexual discrimination and widening the areas of personal interaction and who would be protected under...
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🗒️ Media throws a fit over Florida Parental Rights law
Parental influence and say in public education should be a given, but not in the minds of entrenched liberal or left-wing teachers’ unions, education bureaucrats, and the media. As Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Law...
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🗒️ Liberals worried about Hillsdale College’s alleged influence in Florida
You name it: The liberal media despises conservatives and Republicans (not in a specific order) and have made a mission out of going after Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and any conservative figure. This time,...
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