Did you start off singing that subject line?
HOPE not hate
Did you start off singing that subject line?

After the European Elections win, Farage expected to sweep into Parliament at this General Election with a sizeable group of Brexit Party MPs.

It hasn't turned out that way.

The Brexit Party's national campaign has been a flop, and whatever the result on Thursday, Farage has been humiliated by in-fighting and HOPE not hate's exposure of multiple candidate's racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism. One reason the Brexit Party has flopped is that the Tories have all but copied Farage's hardline Brexit policy.

There is a real threat however. Our private polling has identified four seats in Yorkshire and the north east where the Brexit Party still pose a serious threat - with their vote in two of these seats reaching 30% and a dozen more where there vote is vote is over 20%. We will be working flat out in these final few days to ensure they don't win in any of these seats. If you haven't already, please consider helping our last push by chipping in to our Fighting Fund.

Overall, this has been an incredibly difficult, and distressing, general election campaign. For the first time ever, HOPE not hate decided we needed to vet individual candidates from mainstream parties. The number of candidates who have been exposed over racist comments in their past, and sometimes present, is sickening. As well as making public statements about several cases, we have launched hardhitting campaigns against candidates we think have crossed the threshold. We're doing that whatever the background of the candidates - on the left against Chris Williamson, George Galloway and Jim Malone in Dundee West; on the right against Karl McCartney, Bob Blackman and Anthony Browne.

Whatever happens on Thursday, we need to redouble our efforts for the politics of hope after the election. The last 18 months have seen us fighting battles against far right street movements, against Tommy Robison, and against the spreading poison within mainstream parties. The rupture caused by the Brexit referendum are profound, and the divisions continue to be felt. While we're busy with the election, we're also making plans to work for HOPE in 2020. I hope we'll have your support.

Nick Lowles
HOPE not hate CEO

The Brexit Party's questionable candidates: a list

The Brexit Party has cracked down on dissent, but appears to tolerate racism.

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Anti-Muslim conspiracy theories

Candidate for Glasgow North, Dionne Cocozza, shares anti-Muslim conspiracy theories.

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Far right flock to the Brexit Party

What it is about Farage's ventures that seem to attract so many racists?

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'New World Order'

Nigel Farage uses a far-right conspiracy theory on homophobic and Islamophobic TV channel.

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All the work that HOPE not hate does is funded by ordinary people - like yourself, John - who believe in what we do and want to help us do more of it.

Over the years we've defeated the rise of a fascist party, we've stopped a nazi-terrorist from murdering an MP and now we're fighting hatred at the ballot box in this election.

Will you become a member of the HOPE Action Fund now to help us continue this work?

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