Fellow Patriot,

I want to share with you a recent column I came across that made so much sense to me.

Writing for The American Thinker, Steve Feinstein came to the conclusion that the real reason why the Democrats who dominate all the decision-making in Massachusetts have gone all-in to disrupt our signature collection efforts is because their law giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants presents a galvanizing issue for voters of every stripe.

Here's a excerpt:

Why the seemingly unusual vitriolic opposition to this initiative? Why this time? It’s not merely because giving drivers licenses to illegals is a sure-fire way to rig MA elections in the Democrats’ favor forever into the future.

It’s bigger than that.

If this issue gets on the ballot and proves to be a vote-driver -- getting people to the polls who probably wouldn’t have voted otherwise -- then (Geoff) Diehl is the one who benefits from this greater voter participation. With the country in such an uproar about Biden’s inflation and overall failures, people have had it, even here in Massachusetts.

This column is on to something, but it won't just be the GOP gubernatorial candidate who will be helped -- it will be all Republicans, up and down the ballot.

And it will certainly help me, as I am running against a lifelong hack in Secretary of State Bill Galvin, an individual who has done everything within his power (and then some) to tilt control away from We the People and towards the Beacon Hill establishment.

And that's why I've devoted so much of my time, energy, and resources to go out there each and every day and collect as many signatures as possible.

We've got until Aug. 24 to collect at least 40,000 signatures to put this issue before the voters, and I'm doing everything I can to make sure it will.

Thank you for your support!

-- Rayla
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Paid for by the RaylaForMA Committee